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Everything posted by Newman

  1. RGEM is again a crusher for NW folk. These last minute Miller B swings are gonna drive some (me) crazy
  2. 3k NAM isn't as bad as the 12k. Hoping it was just one of those wacky off hour NAM runs.
  3. And there's the classic Miller B shift NE on the NAM
  4. There almost isn't a single model that DOESN'T plaster Berks/Lanco/Lehigh with at least 15". Low end is 12" from the GFS/UKMET, high ends are Euro/Para-GFS/CMC with nearly 2-3 feet
  5. I love where I'm at here in Lanco. We'll get the dry slot and lull for sure, but that CCB makes up for it
  6. Much improved. It does mix a bit, and many will see a lull/dry slot Monday morning before the coastal ramps up
  7. You thinking this goes further north or back south Paul for most to get less than 10"?
  8. I don't think this will be a March 01 redux, but a repeat of December 2020 possibly. When the heaviest totals were over us for awhile then they shifted all north but we still all got 6-10" in.
  9. 6z Euro holds serve for those wondering. 12-16" widespread
  10. Late in the game so ensembles don't mean too much I know, but GEFS look great. So no worries here
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