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Everything posted by Newman

  1. Timing of this has definitely sped up. We're looking at a landfall early Sunday now, rainfall could last through Monday (if these west trends continue)
  2. 12z RGEM just upped rainfall amounts, bringing this and stalling it over Eastern PA
  3. Something like the 6z RGEM would be pretty bad for Philly on east. Wind won't be a factor here, it'll be the rainfall and flooding if anything and coastal erosion/surf. I'm still not convinced this doesn't landfall across eastern LI and much of this area gets nothing, but the trends keep going west. Remember, many of our tropical systems up here are cemented into history for their flooding, not their wind.
  4. These western members that take it into NYC would certainly impact the Philly region. Rain shield to the west, tors and wind to the east
  5. Nearly 100 miles. From south of the Cape to south of the tip of Long Island
  6. Bingo, Berks county is in the infamous radar hole. There's been talks here at Millersville University to putting in a radar to serve the local counties for this reason. Regardless, the radar beams would not have been able to pick up on the low-level rotation when the beams shoot well above it.
  7. Remember that Irene dropped 3-7" of rain across much of New England and caused tremendous problems in many places, you don't need Harvey levels of rain to destroy things.
  8. Yes tropical rainfall is of the "warm rain" variety not the "cold rain" we typically think of in most cases. I have no idea if these numerical models take into account the differing cloud physics and precip processes that occur, so I can't speak to that. But regardless, yes it's why radar has a hard time at picking up on proper dbZ values in tropical systems
  9. Strongest gusts stay confined to the coast. Boston would try to gust 40-50mph. Inland just breezy but that's not to say no impacts. Flooding would be pretty bad.
  10. Compared to 0z, I don't think you can definitively say the 6z EPS came west (at least compared to the base mean). But certainly more spread and more members that take it further west. The loop and stall is still evident on many of the members
  11. Huge flashes of lightning and loud thunder here
  13. Yeah you can see on radar it's almost like a spinning comma head taking shape, a Mesoscale Convective Vortex (MCV). Harrisburg got punched straight with that part of the line
  14. My brother and friend went to chase and are in Palmyra right now, I told them to stay put the storm is almost there.
  15. It's almost like that line is trying to form a MCV
  16. Tornado warning just south of you in MD! Should stay just to your west
  17. New tornado warning for the tail of that line just south of Gettysburg
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