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Scarlet Pimpernel

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Everything posted by Scarlet Pimpernel

  1. That 06Z storm was insane. But something like that has shown up in that general time frame a few times now.
  2. What the frack is a frickle? But seriously what is the GFS showing next weekend, I haven't check 12Z yet? At one point it was showing some kind of snow/ice scenario, then had more of a cutter... Seemed to be back and forth.
  3. Same here, I'm always re-reading and checking and still miss stuff! I don't use autocorrect or auto-fill on my phone or anywhere else because it's annoying and sometimes is just plain wrong (or gets in the way), LOL! Now, back to tracking our long-awaited @psuhoffman storm!
  4. Perhaps you were internally thinking the potential for this upcoming week was rather...weak! (And my previous post was of course all in fun and humor!).
  5. I just "new" you would say that!!! (sorry @stormtracker, couldn't resist, I await the "ban-hammer" for continuing that joke! ).
  6. That kooky storm the 06Z GFS showed at the end of its run (and I love its kookiness!) is like the 2nd or 3rd time that a major storm has shown up in the @psuhoffman "window" in the ops models in the past few days. I hope that's a good sign. Obviously, you can't take any one of them too seriously and at face value at this point, but I'd like to think that seeing big hits like that show up in the ops indicates a solid potential.
  7. Yeah I think I see the same thing you're showing and describing. I like the orientation of the later TPV somehow (the 18Z one), seems like it allows for colder air to establish maybe, for something to run into?
  8. I honestly focused more on @mitchnick's first image ending on Wednesday, Feb. 12, which is for the first event or whatever we're calling it. That mean is a lot better looking than what the ops GFS and Euro showed, and the GEFS mean, for that time frame. But I agree to some extent, the lower plot that shows snow through Thursday, that total will involve some kind of snow/ice to rain for the 2nd event at this point.
  9. Unless that one word is...FOLKS!!!
  10. Looks like that wave off the Pacific northwest coast gets a little more separated in the latest run? Allowing for what looks like a more north-northwest flow out of Canada?
  11. The PSUHoffman-Brooklynwx Storm! I'll let them decide who should be referenced first!
  12. Meh...looks drier. You had a bigger glass at 00Z!
  13. Taking this to Banter... When I think about it, I generally agree with you. Neither type of post is great to have to scroll through when there are tons of each. But generally the "doom posts" tend to overwhelm most everything. I get just as down or frustrated when there are model cycles that seem to look worse or trend worse, but I don't feel the need to dump a ton of what I feel in the main discussion threads. That kind of stuff should be put here in Banter (or the semi-defunct Panic Room?). I'm just as guilty as anyone with putting "banterish" posts in the main threads, though generally I try to keep those a bit lighter with some humor. There is a certain amount of leeway in what one can post in those threads, which is totally fine (outside storm mode, when we have that). Especially in the "down" periods between model runs. But I also try to put some things here in Banter as well instead of the other places.
  14. You just noticed? But I agree, it's crazy some of the stuff.
  15. True. We also don't need 50 doom posts with tearing of hair and gnashing of teeth from everyone who frets over every single change in every single model run or when some crazy 15" amount becomes 4-8".
  16. I saw it briefly. Let's just say it was a very...uhhh..."toothy" image post!
  17. Hey, I resemble that remark!! ETA: To be fair, some light or humorous banter in the main storm/medium range threads is OK (other than in storm mode of course!), when between model cycles and that sort of thing. But the nonstop doom-scrolling posts by people when things don't look "good" or "as good" gets to be a bit much and annoying.
  18. You'll look like Beethoven soon, or perhaps Bach! Grab 'yer powdered wig!
  19. Sorry, gotta run through the full gamut of warm phases at high amplitude first (i.e., late spring and summer)!!
  20. Haha, I admit to being one of those participating some in the "oldies" talk, just for fun, though not about being some veteran of these weather boards (just older in general, hahaha!)! But I did switch to posting mainly here in the Banter thread for that. It was getting a bit much with all that in the Feb. 11-12 thread.
  21. I remember those "900" numbers (heard about them, never called!)... Probably the same ones @ravensrule called often! But a bit more seriously, I remember calling 931-1212 for the latest forecast in northeast Ohio (and 471-1212 for the time and date)!
  22. The Feb. 11-12 thread has turned into Bingo night at the old folks home (FOLKS! We hope!)! I fully admit to being one of those participating!
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