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Scarlet Pimpernel

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Everything posted by Scarlet Pimpernel

  1. Wasn't it Clint Eastwood who said, "Nobody, I mean nobody, puts ketchup on a hotdog!"
  2. Yeah, it's pretty stupid honestly. Like you said, it's not as if the models or the atmosphere "listens" to MA weenies and says "oh, they started a thread too early, let's screw them over!!" I can see why SNE might tend to start storm threads earlier simply due to their climatology and they have obviously more leeway in terms of setups for such things. Here, it's kinda silly to start threads really early not due to "superstition", but because we typically are in a more tentative setup and it's better to wait for a bit more information/detail. Otherwise you end up with a bunch of BS commentary going on as things waver back and forth. ETA: The only times I recall starting threads relatively earlier are for the big events (Feb. 2010, Jan. 2016). But that's because at the time there was such a strong agreement and signal across essentially all models and ensembles, so it made sense.
  3. Just keep it away from the fine Persian rug!!
  4. Quite the interesting read this morning. All this talk of the NAM joining the party interspersed with Intercourse, Climax, Tightsqueeze, Blue Ball, etc. Sounds like a @ravensrule road trip to me!!! There's also a Climax in Michigan. I remember that because a friend of mine from Purdue landed a job somewhere outside Detroit, and I was helping him move. We got a good laugh passing by that while driving along I-94
  5. Since wind now seems to be a threat with this storm more than snow, it no longer sucks...it blows!
  6. Remember, the drunk cook who stood there on the stern of the ship and "walked off" as it sank into the water survived! I believe that actually happened. So the moral of the story is...drink up!!!
  7. You really struck a sour note with that one, key-ing in on the bass-est of humor!!
  8. So we know Bob Chill, Stormtracker, and Mappy don't much care for sleet. Since we're doing gallows-type humor in light of how things look for the upcoming event, here's what I envision for times that snow changes to sleet: @Bob Chill: What's that pinging sound? That's it...where are the bunnies (puts on boots)? @stormtracker: Bunnies? Screw that, cute puppies better watch out! @mappy: You guys are amateurs. Bring on the maps with no legends!
  9. Hahaha! I just saw that. So many subtleties!
  10. I've been a snow lover my entire life. Probably born that way...or, perhaps I was dropped on my head as a baby and was messed up with wanting snow forever since!! Don't know why. I guess because as a child I would always like playing out in the snow, for hours...sledding, etc. That, and to me there's just something about snow falling that is beautiful and awesome. So I would follow the weather forecasts as a kid, especially in winter, which is also a good part of why I got "into" meteorology in the first place! I guess I wouldn't say that I "need" it, but I sure always hope for good snow anytime there's a chance!!
  11. LOL! This reminds me that I actually learned to drive (with an instructor) on an automatic. But both my parents at the time were hard-core manual transmission only. So I learned driving a stick shift in their cars. Believe me, it's nerve-wracking trying to drive a stick when you're new at it...in your parent's car...while they're sitting next to you monitoring everything you do! Then you get "the look" if you kill the engine because you didn't do the clutch just right!! Took me a little while to get the hang of that. I actually did like driving manual for the bit of time I had access to a car with that, but it's been MANY years since I have.
  12. Because it will only snow for 20 minutes before changing over??
  13. Yup, just looking at that. Appears more for potential ice+snow combination, and the winds.
  14. Yeah...12% grade plus ice equals...no thanks, not driving in that!!
  15. Was that added to compared to earlier? Looks like a few more counties in the Watch now.
  16. LOL!! Kinda like "I am Spartacus!"..."No, I am Spartacus!"...!!!
  17. Thank you for this perspective. I don't want to get into stuff that might sound too "political"...but trying to make things better or safer, whether for the environment or for people in general, isn't always some effort to "make people feel safe from all things" or "turn us all into wimps who are too afraid." That kind of dismissive attitude smacks of something like, "Hell, I ate lead paint chips when I was a kid, and I turned out fine!"
  18. Yeah, especially now that the ice potential is becoming more a threat, even in the metro areas. That, and wind. The temperature profiles once we get into the NAM range (and other meso models), as you say, will be quite useful. The overall synoptic setup is more or less settled it would seem.
  19. Since we're tossing weenies around here, maybe you should say the "wurst"!!!
  20. There are prescriptions to deal with that problem nowadays!!
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