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Scarlet Pimpernel

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Everything posted by Scarlet Pimpernel

  1. So catching up here, and...what the hell?? Here's a summary of the events, it seems:
  2. Right. And I think this gets back to the point you made once that many of these older analogous that come up are simply not really applicable anymore in today's climate.
  3. I think it was 2017 Could have been then, too. So many of those years they seem to blend together!
  4. Could be now that you mention it. The year that Texas had bitter cold and those awful power outages but none of the cold air really ever moved east toward us.
  5. Yeah I remember something about that too. It was literally perfect track rainstorms with zero cold air anywhere. Seem to recall it was a situation with a good setup but previous Pac puke had vacated all the cold air. Something like that.
  6. Wait... So Voldemort is causing global <shall not be named>?
  7. Aveeno Warnings guaranteed to be issued for this weekend!
  8. The difference is, we have Ji. So all our meltdowns follow from there. We could do a forum trade, if you take up the rest of Ji's contract and give us a player to be named later!
  9. Seems there's talk of a kerfuffle in the main medium range thread!!
  10. Well...to make it simple, guaranteed it won't snow here in May, June, July, August, or September. Almost certainly not in October or April. Not the most likely in November or March. December, January, and February, kinda up in the air but even those months are iffy! I think I covered every month there. So not good odds any way you look at it!
  11. Hey, it's a good word, don't knock it!! Though it does sound pretentious, like something George Will would say. So is the person who instigated it a kerfuffler??
  12. If you mean when the cold front blasts through...it's early afternoon Friday.
  13. Temperatures drop emphatically between 12-18Z Friday...from 50-55 to the mid-20s (there about) in the DC-Balt corridor. It looks even colder by 18Z Friday in this run compared to the last one but that's probably run-to-run noise.
  14. I seriously don't think anyone is overly "excited" about this, to be honest. It's just interesting from a meteorological standpoint no matter if we get nothing, a couple of flakes, or a bit more. I've seen threads started for FAR less than this.
  15. Man, the sarcasm in the event thread for Friday is off the charts! I mean, I get it that we're not looking at much, but it's still at least interesting from a meteorological standpoint with that strong front blasting through. If people aren't interested or don't care, at least don't flood it with useless, cynical comments. Rant over.
  16. 12Z GFS is notably faster with the frontal passage than the 06Z (and 00Z) cycle showed. It's through by 18Z Friday. 12Z: 06Z
  17. OMG that is the funniest ending of a game since the famous Cal-Stanford band crashing one years ago! Even better that the Patriots lost!
  18. So the main discussion thread cleared out faster than a stadium after a key late game interception or fumble!
  19. We're all out of cute bunnies and puppies at this point! Maybe kick Santa or his elves in the groin? Or the ultimate... Take the Reaper's name in vain!
  20. I am now at the point of hoping that we go back to the exciting Arctic front blast with a squall that was shown several days ago. I don't even know if we'll get that, however.
  21. You need to charge your battery! That's what I get out of this image. ETA...'d by @Ralph Wiggum
  22. They most certainly were. But you know what? Just got the Christmas tree this afternoon so regardless it feels more like the Holidays!
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