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Scarlet Pimpernel

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Everything posted by Scarlet Pimpernel

  1. What a gorgeous fall day yesterday! Went to the MD Renaissance Festival (have gone the last several years around this time). Here's a couple of photos I took... At the jousting arena: And here's what apparently is an early version of the NAM (but perhaps more accurate outside 48 hours)!
  2. Get off my lawn, you damned trick-or-treaters...says the old man!! ; ) I'll continue your rant here if you don't mind, haha! OK, being a bit snarky there, but in all honesty I agree with a lot of what you say. The it's vs. its thing kind of irritates me when people don't do it right. Simple to just remember "it's" is the contraction for it is, "its" (with NO apostrophe) is the possessive of it. Also agree with the "someone has been..." vs. just saying "someone was...", but I'm a bit more forgiving on that one. I remember in about 6th grade, a teacher made us all memorize prepositions, and had a funny way of helping you to remember it. Just think of a sewer pipe and any relationship to it will be a preposition: IN the sewer pipe, NEAR the sewer pipe, ALONG the sewer pipe, etc. You get the idea. But I've never forgotten that in trying to determine what's a preposition!! Single space at the end of a sentence? Oh HELL NO!! Yeah, I'll be a Grammar Nazi, and maybe it's (not its, hahaha!) more acceptable to just use a single space with Twitter and other social media to save space or something like that. But in formal (or even not-so-formal) writing? Follow the regular rules! I always learned 2 spaces after a period or colon and one space after a semi-colon or comma. Sometimes, I find it hard to read when someone only puts one space after a period. RDM...not sure if you're old enough(?) to be familiar with Tom Lehrer. I was too young or not yet alive when he did a lot of his routines "live", but my parents indoctrinated me with his stuff when I was growing up (with records, no less!)! Your comment about new math reminded me of his song/skit about that: Oh, and as for trig? Hell, I remember having to interpolate using a table! And walking uphill both ways while doing it! Does anyone know how to interpolate from a table anymore? Part of me thinks perhaps it's just not necessary nowadays of course, but at the same time, a little bit of having to do that does help just to get a taste of how it works. Even if you never have to look at at trig or log table again. It's the idea of it, the knowledge of what to do and how it works, that's important I think.
  3. Another mid-Atlantic get-together might be fun, if anyone else is looking into this too. I'd be up for it. Maybe as we get more into fall(?)...it's a great time of year.
  4. So apparently, global warming has now affected Ji...this is remarkably early even for him to cancel winter!!
  5. Stay cool everyone! Feels awful out there...ugh. Sitting here recovering from having a pin placed in the top joint of my left pinky finger to set it...had that done earlier this morning. Got injured last week at a softball game (on a bad throw, damn the 3rd baseman haha!). Fractured the top part and dinged the joint out of place. Fun times! Pin comes out in about 4 weeks.
  6. Cast the green from thine own county, then shalt thou see the speck of blue in Loudoun! (or something like that?)
  7. Yeah, it's hard to say...one run and all that. Agree that once tonight's coastal is actually out of the way and "known" better, perhaps we'll get a better lock on exactly what the Sunday/Monday event will do. For whatever it's worth, I went back and forth on the 24-h precip ending 18Z Monday, looking back through 00Z last night. Today's 12Z cycle has a noticeable increase in QPF over our region, both in terms of amount and coverage, if you flip back over the past 2-3 cycles (though that big max stripe in the southeast around AL/GA decreases). The low is also stronger and a bit more tucked on the NC coast (it was a bit farther south and off the NC coast at 00Z, and off the Delmarva at 06Z. These may be just back and forth oscillations, but those are the most "notable" things I saw at least at the surface. Hard to say if there's much change at 500, other than maybe some more lifting/ridging of the flow to the northeast in the 12Z cycle compared to the past couple runs.
  8. Don't forget wind...we absolutely excel at strong winds around here!
  9. Agree. Where I'm at (Chevy Chase/Silver Spring area), even main roads are covered and treacherous. East-West Hwy, Conn Ave, etc. I had to drive in it briefly earlier this morning when it just started getting bad. People need to realize you just have to keep driving slowly and steadily (lower gear), and *not* just stop out of the blue.
  10. LOL! Better than getting NAM'd!! Thanks for your ever-positive attitude with snow, much appreciated around here!!
  11. FWIW, I looked at the HRRR (12Z) just to see what it showed...temperatures are still just below freezing through 00Z this evening along I95 corridor. Right now...looks very pretty out, large flakes, pounding snow! We're getting Jeb'd!!
  12. Coming down good here (dare I use the word "ripping"?)...Chevy Chase, MD. Went out to get some photos. Roads are covered, even the main ones. Around 2" on the ground now.
  13. Agree. And BTW I remember that Feb 2014 event you mentioned, if it's the one that dumped on us overnight for hours, followed by sleet then dry slot/drizzle much of next day. It should be a fun event for sure. My hope is to keep the surface cold into the evening (hold off all rain long as possible), or at least have the complement of the day be wintry with snow and sleet.
  14. Welcome back Mr. Chill, sir! And yes, let's do this...looking forward to tomorrow! Cloudy, feels wintry out but no idea of exact temp. Probably like mid 30s.
  15. That's right...start 'em off early with doing the chores! Uphill, both ways, with the sun in your eyes! And like it! But seriously...nice photos, and glad your first "real" snow event since being in this area was so fun! (ETA: I heard Jebman offers training courses in proper shoveling technique!)
  16. Final count...11.0" at 9PM. Still some very light snow falling, but it's pretty well over. Great event!
  17. More like deflate-gate! (sorry, New England fans, the jokes on that never get old...)
  18. Just think...only a few days ago, we were thinking a couple of inches would be a win here at this point, as a prelude to what many are thinking could be an awesome pattern we'll be heading into.
  19. Yup, I think that is what the Euro was showing for this event yesterday. Wasn't it also calling for an additional 0.25-0.30 or there about from 1PM onward (in today's 12Z run...maybe that's what you mean about the band)? (ETA: So maybe...if the Euro kind of led the way on this one for QPF, it may well be correct with that crazy 1"+ of ice next weekend! )
  20. Hit the 10.0" mark a short while ago when I last measured! Still coming down but lighter. Incredible finish to this event, I got nearly 4" since about 3:30PM. Outside the Jan. 2016 blizzard (which is in a totally different class), this is easily the largest snowfall since Feb. 2014 in terms of accumulation at least. And this one, unlike Feb. 2014, didn't involve a period of slop for part of it. Here's a recent photo from this evening (thank goodness for image stabilized lenses! )...
  21. This last surge late this afternoon and evening so far has pushed my total to 9.0". Still snowing too at a good clip.
  22. Nice! Hope this storm makes up for you being sick at least somewhat (those noroviruses are awful!!).
  23. Nice big flakes coming down now at a good clip, for the past half hour or there about. Looks like areas that had been cleared and shoveled are getting covered again. Will have to measure sometime a bit later. Thus far, have 7.0" total for this storm where I'm at (as of about noon).
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