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Everything posted by BooneWX

  1. Radar looks as impressive as it can get! Hope you guys are getting hammered.
  2. Can y’all toss a flurry or two my way down here in Burke? Good luck tonight!
  3. Any guesses on how soon it’ll be before I have to start mowing again?
  4. I’d settle for slightly above average temps at this point lol
  5. It’s not even cold enough for snow IN the mountains
  6. X2. Dead drift a streamer and watch the big boys come out to hunt.
  7. For the love of god please tell me the cycle ends at some point.
  8. 35 imby with dense cloud cover and that classic winter thickness in the air. It feels like snow is coming. What a shame we couldn’t get a high pressure system to our north for this storm!
  9. Shorts at Christmas. A tradition unlike any other!
  10. We had a very strong storm around 3 am in eastern Burke - it was quite the light show. I'd say it'll snow within the next 10 days, but that's not looking so likely now. On to January!
  11. Can anyone share a link or point me in the direction to find those outputs from the ensembles? I used to have it bookmarked.
  12. 35 here in Burke...can still see stars. Definitely colder than I expected at this hour.
  13. I think at this point it's just important to look at the pieces. We've swung widely from a major storm to rain in just a few runs, which is expected at this range. What's been key is that the models continue to hint at a storm and cold air (to some degree) being available. More than a week out, I'm not sure what else we can be asking for. Either way, this is better than a torch!
  14. Recently moved down the Mtn to Hickory and now living vicariously through each of you in this thread. Good luck everybody. I’ve never been more jealous and I’ll miss taking in the scenes this winter. Post plenty of pictures.
  15. Lots of good options. Old Fort, Marion, Black Mtn (highly recommend). Of course, in my opinion, I consider those foothill areas. So take that as you will. Although it'll certainly be snowier than Raleigh - you'll just miss out on NWFS events. Someone else might could advise better on Mars Hill, Weaverville, Marshall etc. Not sure what the elevation in those areas brings. As someone who now lives in the foothills again, I miss the NWFS events. But it still pays off to be in the foothills during the big events coming from the Gulf.
  16. Grew up in Mount Airy, moved to Boone and now live in Caldwell County. Can’t go wrong man! Hang in there tonight, that’s nasty weather moving in.
  17. Looks like Dorian is wrapping up its ERC. Will it strengthen a little? We shall see. Colder cloud tops are expanding around its center again.
  18. Worst case scenario for the OBX. It would be the type of storm to completely alter the geography of the OBX - especially Hatteras.
  19. Really got to watch this one on Tuesday night-Wed am. We're trending colder - major ice storm cold.
  20. Enjoy folks! Not trying to jump the gun but I’m going to declare the FV3 the new king lol.
  21. I just don’t know what to make of the FV3....I mean it’s supposed to be the new GFS in a few months, but I mean...30 inches. I hope so, but dang that’s hard to buy.
  22. I’ll take a stab at this one. Growing up in Mount Airy, I always had the same question, because you’d frequently see the same thing modeled for that area. I believe (and someone with a legit background feel free to correct me), the models always try to predict lee side sinking. I’ve found that in these particular systems, coming up from the south, it rarely happens. Usually I just ignore the hole’s.
  23. Don't get hung up on the details. The ingredients are there and that's what we have to look to with 5-6 days to go.
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