The signal is there for cold and shots at snow, why is everyone cliff diving? Of course the models aren’t going to be consistent. They’re missing half their data.
I don’t think I’ve ever been happier for a group to get snow than our upstate folks. I’ve lived in Wnc my whole life and I know very well how hard it is to get good snow south of 85, even into the foothills of SC. Congrats!
Managed to get about 3 inches (or maybe a little more) in Burke. Compaction and melting is on full speed but it was still nice to score a decent storm for once. I’d love more down the road but I can come to terms with spring now. Just wanted one good one.
I get it but the floor for my area is probably 34-36 tonight based on current obs and DPs. I want snow just as much as anybody but I’m not going to wishcast it. Rates can definitely overcome but that tends to be convective and isolated, not uniform.