Really hope we can keep the low a little farther off Hatteras. Don't want to have to worry about mixing in SE VA. Every storm so far this winter has been inland. Give me this one haha
But loving the possibilities this far out. Hopefully we can reel it in!
Yeah, ideally we'd like the low to track somewhere between Gainesville, FL and Orlando for all snow in the ATL-AHN corridor. This one definitely isn't taking that track, at least so far.
Hoping we can get something substantial in south Hampton Roads. Both Mid-Atlantic storms have gone north of us these past 2 weeks. We did get a hour or so of light to moderate snow back on the 3rd that actually tried to stick, but it didn't really do much.
00z Euro still has the storm but it goes from looking great to meh, probably because the High is in the Great Lakes area andmore CAD-y than the GFS, which has the High still over the Midwest during the height of the storm.
Yeah, 12z Euro and 18z GFS have been somewhat discouraging but 18z NAM was decent so???? Hopefully we'll have a better understanding by 12z/0z tomorrow.
Just catching up with the 12z suite. Wow, if we can get that backside deformation zone the GFS showing in Hampton Roads, that'd be sweet. So hard to have to rely on those though.
Not much doing for SE VA on the 00z Euro. Like the 00z GFS the low just slides out to sea. This is my first full winter here but I'm pretty confident in saying that's not the track you want the low to take to get snow in Hampton Roads haha