Verbatim, Euro looks like more mixing along the coast before flipping to snow along NE NC/SE VA/Eastern Shore. Not all that wildly different than the 0z run, IMO
Yeah, things have started trending that way over the past few model cycles. Still a long way to go, but I'd gladly take another 3-5 inch event and get ready for the pollening!
Yeah looks like it's starting to fill in in south Chesapeake/VB. Hopefully that's a good sign. I am worried the Norfolk might be on the NW edge of the heaviest accumulations as this thing ramps up.
I'd probably be okay for it to be a weaker storm and keep it all SN in Hampton Roads. NAM really wants to bring IP through for a bit. Still take that over ZR though haha
I think I might die if Ukie verifies for south Hampton Roads. The most snow I've ever seen from a single storm was 8.8'' back in the January 10-11th, 2011 storm in Athens, GA.
Yeah, but too warm on the front side. Really don't need it so amped early on for us. Or if it is amped, for it to be farther off the coast when it happens. All in all, not terrible 5 days out.