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About chris624wx

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
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  • Location:
    Norfolk, VA

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  1. Yup. Had a few hours of token flakes in Norfolk with temps around 40F. Nice to look at it but it's stopped now.
  2. Hope y'all in the interior do well with this one, but not enthused a bit for Southside HR. Hopefully we get a better look for a storm before the winter is over.
  3. Hard to get excited with a front end thump and know that rain is going to wash it away too.
  4. We're just not going to do well all the down here on the coast with transient highs and no blocking . That's why I've been checked out the past few weeks haha
  5. Another bay streamer moving through VB right now. Such a cool phenomenon!
  6. Had around 2.1 inches near Ghent/Downtown Norfolk when I went to measure around 2 AM last night once the last band moved through. That was before the bay steamer developed though. Definitely a nice event especially since we didn't have to worry about mixing issues. If we can get something else this winter, I'd be down!
  7. Visibility with this band really went down! Wring it all out, atmosphere!
  8. Going to enjoy it as it moves through. Hard to be upset with it ending earlier than modeled when this was OTS 36 hours ago
  9. Yeah, I just came in from walking around. It looked like maybe 1.5'' here near Downtown Norfolk.
  10. I hope that happens but it just feels like the window is closing earlier than it was supposed to looking at that NW edge
  11. Need that heavy band to work it's way 20 miles north or so lol
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