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Everything posted by Spaizzo

  1. Feb 2013 watching the snow pour or dump was insanity. Plows broke, plows stranded we were down to 1-2 working city plows. Emergencies were called off unless it was extreme and those were transported by a police hummer one of the few vehicles able to get though.took a week to cleanup roads
  2. Further than that because southern nee haven county is considered yankee still. We are rarely blacked out for the yanks in favor of the Sox…
  3. I love refreshing during a model runs and reading the., it’s East it’s west, it’s aqua it’s gold, it’s north it’s south…it’s good it’s bad lol…
  4. I wouldn’t call it hype as much as preparing people for the worst. People need flashy words for things to settle in. Nor’easters can be pretty bad as a hurricane. Otherwise you have people traveling and being stuck on highways for 14 hours like what happened in the case of the holiday storm.
  5. Think I’ve been consumed with the weekend and missed it
  6. What’s the deal up with tonight and tomorrow? CT wise? 1” a dusting this seems like a surprise
  7. I have to say the names are easier to remember than dates for us average joes. I can tell you I got 36”from Nemo but couldn’t tell you even what yesr it was unless I googled it lol
  8. We had a flash freeze a few weeks ago in CT car pile ups etc… no one was expecting it minus those who actually pay attention to weather!
  9. I have had AWD, 2wd and 4x4. I’ve never used snow tires. No one in my family has ever used snow tires. I can say (know on wood) have never been stuck and have driven through blizzard/ heavy snow etc.
  10. Just went from moderate snow to sleet after about 3” of snow
  11. Being a usual lurker this whole thread has been like back and forth like
  12. Is Friday a goner? Or maybe just a highly unlikely potential? Didn’t see a thread for it and the last few pages on this I can’t tell if people are talking Friday or Monday
  13. First flakes lightly coming down now in Ansonia
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