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Everything posted by Spaizzo

  1. Have some stray flurries happening down here but our temps 33 .
  2. What time is the heaviest of rains about moving into ct? Need to plan on reaching family member as her area flooded the last time and she got nervous .
  3. Just finished Mikes weather pages morning live and was shocked that it hasn’t been much to read up on here yet he’s way to more vastly focused along the entire east coast. We basement flood during heavy rainers when the grounds saturated or frozen so I keep worrying .
  4. So change in topic is it going to rain, deluge, or drizzle the next few days? .
  5. Agree. Many who might be more of an audience member like myself maybe don’t understand the dynamics from the active members. They might be taking the playful banter as rude where me I’ve been here long enough to know it’s joking around or ball busting. .
  6. Most of CT seemed to line up with forecast. Most forecasts were straight forward with the what ifs. Lower CT had been I. The 2-10 range depending on trends and dynamics. Closer to event we were lowered to 3-6. We reached 3” before the rain and probably got another inch post the change over. Seems pretty spot on. People need to actually listen or read and not just get distracted by potential snowfall maps .
  7. We had 3” in Ansonia when I checked around midnight. It’s compacted due to rain. .
  8. We got drizzle and mangled flakes going on now in Ansonia. 33 degrees .
  9. 3” here in Ansonia moderate snow still. Wind has greatly picked up and is howling .
  10. Is there some special way to see locations on the Tapatalk app. I know from desktop it shows if a user has it listed. Whenever I see here I’m always like where is here lol .
  11. Snowing aka lightly in derby for the past half hour .
  12. I’ve been watching the darn radar creep in and around ct… I’m gonna lose my bet if we don’t have flakes by 530 .
  13. When did Seattle weather move to the north east this is bullcrap .
  14. Sunday river took a beating. Roads closed all over Newry and Bethel. Mudslide’sinto buildings its just insane damage .
  15. Cape Lookout recently gusted to 62MPH Cape Hatteras 61MPH Wilmington 52MPH Raleigh 30MPH .
  16. We got mood flakes and some sleet! Down here near New Haven .
  17. Rains starting in NY areas it appears. Does this line up with previous guidance? Worried about our basement flooding with all this rain after the past week .
  18. Just fyi there’s a thread incase you missed it .
  19. Too soon to ask when the heaviest is supposed to be here? Talking western half of ct we have a game in Wolcott tomorrow lol .
  20. That’s my largest concern. It’s been wet the past week… won’t take much breeze or more rain to see weak trees or shallow rooted trees to fall .
  21. I find it entertaining and makes the weather analysis more fun. I know if we have a flurry of a chance of a flurry or blizzard of snow kevin will be on it. I enjoy extreme weather and enjoy the enthusiasm and fights. Love hearing the models coming in east while someone else says west and wait for the realist to explain it. .
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