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Everything posted by Spaizzo

  1. Measured 9.5 but can’t tell accuracy with all the drifts
  2. Nearing 3.5 or so however intensity picked up viability is down. Looking forward to getting into some more good stuff soon
  3. We have 2” and light/moderate snow down here. (Ansonia CT)
  4. First flakes flying in Ansonia CT
  5. These gray days of winter that make it feel or smell like snow is just a damn tease!!!!
  6. 1.25 inches and starting to pick up again. Question for ct people anyone near Danbury seems to have fired up on the radar not sure if it’s sleet or heavy snow
  7. Snowing finally all snow at a moderate clip dusting in everything but the roads
  8. Am I the only one looking at the radar and looking back out the window
  9. FYI my family in NJ said it’s snowing like crazy down there right now...
  10. We ended up near 10-12 down here in Ansonia.. here is the time lapse not as fun as 36” you’ll see a brief change over
  11. Latest from down here in Ansonia.. nearing 5” (measured at 10:00pm)
  12. 3” and snow has gone from heavy to moderate here, Ansonia CT.
  13. It’s raining snow down here in the Naugatuck Valley!!! We hit the yellow band now. It’s pouring snow... we have about 2”
  14. That’s the issue is covid. Any other time I’ve forced her to stay with us...
  15. She has a few left. Many were taken from the tornado/straight line winds that came through that area this summer..
  16. Will wind be a factor in southern ct near North Branford? My 85 year old gram lives by herself and is stubborn as hell. After the tornado this summer I can get her to come to our house if the winds are a factor..
  17. Was it me? Kidding, but we received 36”! I couldn’t sleep last night and went through that thread to see. Initial was 12-24... there was a swath that was going to be more. We got in the heart of it. I’ve never witnessed snow, thunder and that much snow pouring down. My cousin was out plowing, plows broke, our town lost 4 that storm.. other snow trucks were abandoned every where! We are setting up time lapse so I’m sure we won’t make out this time
  18. I’m not a met, but I think I remember he nam had Feb 8, 2013 dialed in close to the event and people said the same then? I mean it has to be right in some cases right
  19. Starting to sleet in Ansonia... checking radar weather are like a lonely blue dot surrounded by green
  20. We have drizzle down in Ansonia... not expecting much white
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