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Everything posted by STILL N OF PIKE

  1. Well when folks wait 9 months for the 50% chance to have less than 30-60” of snow (general average spread where people live) in SNE I usually worry about them every season. If I couldn’t chase snow I’d be in a padded room waiting for A winter that makes me happy . Id actually like to do a psychological experiment and put powder freak on The cape for the T giving to April 1 period and monitor his vitals and give him access to A room with a ceiling fan , local forecasts , thermometer , rain boots a bottle of Jack and a reindeer sweater
  2. There isn’t too much that is sustainable long term financially since Covid began and federal spending has run wild . Not sure if there is a candidate in the world that would have the character to return fiscal spending to something that is just reasonable bc that is a recession with job losses and ..otherwise we just see continued inflation rising interest rates and Payments on that federal debt and that reinforces itself . IF folks do the short term math and if federal spending keeps increasing and inflation stays hot for another 6 or so years the tide keeps rising as more and more rungs on the socio economic ladder go underwater from rising prices . The US has just silly levels of treasury issuance to fund its spending (2.7 trillion currently forecast for 2024) and the market response has been a rapid rise in interest rates (above the fed funds rate / disconnected ) and Quickly rising rates Certainly increase the chance of something “blowing up “ in “markets / banking sector”
  3. The housing issue is only getting worse as well. Supply is certainly screwed and interest rates have jacked up to the moon in lockstep with the Fed’s rate hikes and wild government spending jacking the 10 year yield on govt debt to 4.83% ( mortgage rates are usually 2.5_% or so above the 10 year yield ) Renters aren’t fairing much better . It’s sort of comical that *House prices and rent had a multi decade relationship / ratio to income * and then in 2005 or so it got unhinged (Thanks to Wall Street mortgage securitization bonanza , the federal reserve buying mortgage backed securities for the better part of a decade after the 2008 housing crash into after Covid hit And it kept getting wider and wider and I believe peaked in early 2022, it hasn’t been able to come down bc new housing supply is so low, nobody wants to sell their home where they are locked in at 3% , institutions buy up substantial supply At premium prices , And lastly unemployment is so low that there are few distressed sellers and now affordability is at record lows bc interest rates went from 3 to 7% and mortgage payments are thus up another 25-30% due to the magic of interest .
  4. It is actually pretty amazing how so little snow fell 95 corridor with so much QPF and also that the rain / s accumulating snow line basically was very similar for most of the events .
  5. Did you get a tingling In your loins , it’s almost that time of the year for weenie mountain in Stowe to dump dentrites
  6. warm wet Then cold front lol people are usually somewhat nervous about winter in SNE
  7. Raindance says much colder than last year but semi shaft by drier weather
  8. Below freezing on Mount Washington above 5k 28 @ top and snow and sleet showers
  9. And he’s been thanked and worshipped for the contribution. Now ..He’s making 20 mil a year and the product has been Meh and now garbage since Brady left . It’s a business and now Bill gets the business end of the boot
  10. Does that eve do anything for sne or is this weenie science . I recall folks salivating for Siberian snow cover or something in October ...then that fetish went away . Seems like it fills a void for something for someone in sne to do While they wait for winter to appear in December or whenever it may .
  11. Most corporations across many industries have been able to not only pass on their higher input costs to the consumer but actually GROW their margins . Some call it Greedflation, but American consumers don’t seem capable of pushing back (they been bred to be consumers since birth) and seem to associate price w status more then other countries
  12. I’d love to see one merge or a hybrid hit us in late October or November and crush elevations with feet of snow
  13. That wasn’t a New England landfall look At the wiki page https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_New_England_hurricanes and Sandy was a big anomaly
  14. I Think all the hurricanes that land falled New England in 20’th century were late August into September According to the wiki page strongest Carol, Donna, 38 and 44 , Bob Did couple tropical storms had landfalls Earlier and later
  15. The eps mean you posted has SE mass with a local Minimum ...but I mean .8-.9 isn’t dry
  16. For the south coast it will be hard to do worse . Pike N we could do worse . Not betting on it but those who saw less than 15” last year can hopefully beat that lol. There is just so much variance in SNE away from high elevations in Berks ..
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