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Everything posted by STILL N OF PIKE

  1. looking forward to mid movember warmup . Next few days decent as well. Any Vail owned resorts blowing snow last couple nights?
  2. I’ll be there , ill be bringing my brother (he enjoyed last year )
  3. I’d take whatever number Will says for a all time average it sure isn’t 50” in Taunton lol
  4. NOAA says 36 for you and 36 for PYM I could buy 40 on NW edge of town Unless you live on A 400’ hill or at borderland state park In Easton I’m talking all time averages (including last year when it was skunkville) either way , my point was SE mass near coast doesn’t average 20 in Jan and FeB 10 in March and 6 in December for a mid 50’s average . I know this is a weenie board but
  5. I know you just thru out ball park numbers but SE mass near the coast is probably 36 in Taunton annually , BOS upper 40’s Plymouth 30’s
  6. Saw opening target dates posted for VT and NH. Stowe Nov 18 . Wildcat and Sunapee Nov 23
  7. The April 82 Blizzard looked about as cold an airmass as possible
  8. Renewables are all about the benjamins baby . Any good initial intentions tend to be less profitable and phased out . One the one hand they Accelerate “ phasing out gas and your opinion of it ..in the name of saving the environment.” an idea that companies hyper focused on profits Find convenient coupled with the other convenience that voters seem to vote for happy sounding ideas that don’t have a snowballs chance of saving the environment or even trying to ..just the best effective means to market to emotions (*when corporations run congress and their advertising dollars fill most media add space it isn’t hard to line up corporate interests with Forming favorable public opinion )* and get folks clamoring for renewables that (are currently lobbying for their piece of a market share) ..often it is those most Economically privileged ..who take the bait..too show how forward thinking they are and not to upset their pc standing amongst friends .. all the while contributing to the forces that lower the supply of gas the planet still needs , in effect driving up inflation in energy (and food) and aiding to create more poverty but that is left out of the marketing pamphlets across various media when opinions are being shaped . But it’s more a reflection of companies being able to run free without consumer protections And so it’s in their DNA to maximize profits . You can find this in the USA across multiple industries, namely pharma and the prices charged compared to other advanced nations .
  9. Not sure If the cape saw scenes that wintry last winter
  10. Ski resorts snow guns put on hold is basically what the cold down fail does for ski folk. hopefully anything cuts to Chicago and gives us warmth without rain soaked days
  11. Ya dumped further Into plains all the way down to Texas , would eventually make it here but with meh anomaly’s if the 12z OP was correct
  12. I want to try and track down the dewpoint data for last winter , I’m willing to bet it was top 3 dewiest for many in area of S NH to N mass (maybe others as well ). There were so few nights that were below the mid 20’s from early January thru mid February IIRC In Bedford Mass for last January the average low is 21 Jan 1 and 18 by end of month . We had 6 days break below 25
  13. Last year , i Wouldn’t be surprised if we had the least amount of sub 25 dew points hours in DJFM for a few SNE stations and actually even further north as well
  14. Logan airport has some absurdly late first freezes haven’t they ...like mid December ?
  15. I don’t blame him , he lives at 2400’ in A spot he bought due to it’s huge snowfall . I mean I wouldn’t have a poll in Nashua lol but at the biggest snow spot in S VT ya why not
  16. Cranky taking the under for how many bodies buried in S VT this year . His is the first response to Mitch . Cranky Thinks there will be many zonal occluded systems systems that underwhelm . Lock it in?
  17. I’m going to Salem ,Ma been there 3-4 times as long as the early afternoon precip stays in west SNE could be completely dry Friday nite I would not go there on a rainy day , F that . Restaurants would have 2 hour waits in rain .
  18. I understand your point clearly , thou you are missing one area . There is one other large category of government spending that has just reared its ugly head . Interest payments on debt service . This years Payment is over 650 Billion, next years is projected to be 750 billion. That is a simply massive number that (Next year ) is close to our total defense budget ! This Payment was 350 B in 2021 with huge debt but low rates . With the fed funds rate around 5-5.25% all the debt Uncle Sam has accumulated in last 10 years now is coming home to roost as rising rates led to an exponential increase in debt service in last 2 years. So the fed is going to come under HUGE (but probably not public) pressure to cut rates The corporate lobbying and pricing power pharma and defense has worked so hard for has made prices of defense weapons and drug a literal embarrassment. If we ( US govt) were paying fair prices for Drugs and weapons then the costs would be cut about 50 and 25 % respectfully but one persons (in this case government ) costs is another persons profit and big pharma and defense companies Have successfully charged what they want. They will also raise taxes on the wealthy and the IRS will be focused on clawing back money from the top 5-10% . Also ending silly extensions of suspending student debt payments that went on several years will increase Federal coffers by 50-70 Billion . Suspend them for a year or 18 Months but this was just silly also things like the inflation reduction act will not be palatable bc that bill had higher short term funding costs that are simply not affordable to fund if you want any sort of fiscal responsibility
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