Meh I don’t know what I KNOW
But having a gradient set up in the same place just NW of the majority of us in SNE on say 70% of systems is not my definition of bad luck. It’s a SNEAKY bad Pattern that seems so sneaky because a subtle shift would change our fortunes .
Bad luck is tripping waking to the store . Now if I tripped 70% of the time I walked to the store I would damn well say gee there has got to be a problem with the positioning of some peristiant ridging location and or raging zonal compressed flow w zero blocking. Maybe they take turns screwing is .It may not be very apparent because areas within 100 miles are steadily cashing in so it seems close Enuf to other years where we did fine but I Believe something is off just enuf and makes MUCH more of a effect than is initially diagnosed for our latitude
I could be wrong