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Everything posted by STILL N OF PIKE

  1. Kev just swerved driving to Manchester . So folks are feeling festive the true grinch still has potential around Xmas
  2. I recall the photos of the train derailment last Dec/Jan . Not what we wanted to see but they cracked me up
  3. When Bob gets bullish, I’ll be de panting. Where is Bob, he knows a good pattern for the coastal plain
  4. For Se mass until the PAC gets semi decent i think hostility reigns . By Xmas I think other areas can (climo-wise) work with that pattern but SE mass ..I dunno
  5. Would you favor a blend at this time frame or just wait to see it come in focus by late this week
  6. I think many here aren’t that constructive per se ,mostly just post pro snow stuff bc that is what most want to see (especially the amateurs) and why most take time out of their lives to hang on a weather board in winter . A few either really Enjoy warmth or like the reactions from people who usually are annoyed by warmista posts but to me the only reason to be banned is being extremely mean and hurtful (personal attacks that aren’t just “foo foo” insults and or just posting non stop with “agree with me or else ideas” that are way over their heads. Trolling is subjective . Omega to me doesn’t get in fights or take the bait when people insult him so that is more why I don’t have a problem , he doesn’t disrupt the board . He may send weenies realing but when you post an idea or map with it I don’t see the issue personally to me that’s on weenie frailty . Maybe im the minority
  7. In todays day and age some people label anything they don’t “enjoy” as trolling . Thankfully moderators in this subform usually are smart . People can root for a mild winter and post long range products that support that . Big deal , get thicker skin . It almost hurts folks more when they fear it may occur. The weather will do what it wants
  8. I don’t think that happens too much until a season progresses and maybe is a turd deeper in to January and it’s like a coping strategy to have something to follow , but we all should know day day 10 + events generally aren’t happening when it comes to a snow bomb…unless it holds to day 6 With a massive cutter it’s a little different because there is hundreds and hundreds of miles where it’s gonna be a rain driven or at least wet torch ..but when it comes to the snowy part of a storm ..that is usually much smaller in mileage and harder to have confidence in at longer time frames
  9. For me ..it feels like I can be objective but I dont trust models over 15-20 days out regardless of what they are showing . I dont think I’m alone . There is some reason for optimism but I’m not expecting it at this range .. just hoping look sustains as we get inside 10 days
  10. Nice to see you get what you really wanted and proudly post photos . Looks beautiful
  11. Wildcat reporting 10” New at base
  12. Wildcat report says 10” at Base and more up top. Good weekdays of skiing . No cutters please
  13. They seem to get shafted in so many events
  14. It so tricky chasing good tropical . It’s pricier and it’s kinda like ..harder to enjoy a good event because many places close down for a cane and then the aftermath is very dicey . I went to Fl for Dorian and it got stuck in Bahamas and still all the decent hotels in S Fl were closed ..until you went well inland and it wasn’t even forecast to hit at that point
  15. Do it RI or Cape , you will probably be golden
  16. ^ I mean I’d love to see Heavy and wet snow PSM to Nashua
  17. I was hoping ski resorts could be spared from Any disastahs but we shall see . It may very well torch
  18. Ya , I mean the chickens benefit
  19. Colder temps east of you on NH/ME border I’m pretty sure It was 30f as I crossed into Milton NH at 4pm (then 2 exits south it was mostly rain )
  20. CAD held tough in NH (30f) till I passed exit 18 S on route 16 ..then Temp crept to 32 by exit 17 and accumulations went poof. That was at 430pm
  21. Coming down hard in Bartlett/Glen Nh
  22. Nah , just steady big flakes was 30-31 at bottom area when I arrived at 1030am
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