James doesn’t get it . Time and time again. Weenie goggles. Needs a Benadryl drip.
You need confidence for 6” or More James for a warning. 3-6” doesn’t do it
I didn’t realize you had 22”
its just all the fukkin non stop cold rain and storm track cuts over and over and over
did i mention +PNA and EPO ridges dissapear and shift back west (respectively) as the medium range becomes short range
The bullets in the chamber have a high chance to be B-B’s.
The real sensible change is seasonably cold temps.
Anything amped would be difficult given the flow, but it would likely cut if able.
You want a warning event , pray...
Ya , so the ridge clearly changed ,is no longer S-N from Baja to AK , there is that garbage lower heights in that PAC nw that changed the flow from more of a nw flow over PNA region into now zonal shiat fast flow
I thought I asked Scott yesterday if the Euro ridge has weakened in last couple runs ....(ya kno the one will was posting about w graphics) how it’s a monster and centered over land in west and the downstream trough was over OHIO valley ...