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Everything posted by STILL N OF PIKE

  1. There could be maybe be a snow dependency support group that meets once a week I certainly couldn’t be a counselor there Id sneak people away Lol and drive to mountain elevations or fly if necessary
  2. Snow is a drug , 100” inches in 3 weeks ruined many . Hate to see it . That one system that just kept going and going (at the end ) in 2015 was the best , my car buried in a parking lot in Melrose and wasn’t even worth trying to shovel
  3. Some folks grade the season based solely on the amount of snow they see. (SNE especially coastal plain and areas South) because there isn’t much retention and or some could literally care less. With more winter enthusiasts in CNE/NNE it seems snow pack / retention has generally a higher weighting toward grading a winter. The amount of cutters is weighted to , I think you had many of those last year but since you have elevation and were closer to the cold source you had a good number of snowers as well .
  4. Or break your foot . You may need a walking boot soon
  5. There is a pretty big gradient running NW/SE between N mid Atlantic and NNE/ S Canada
  6. Looks like the first real cold wintery system for the east coast is next Tuesday / Wednesday. At this juncture it appears it will slide south but it’s far enough out that could change . Some in various areas of SNE could score a “wintery episode” late Friday into early Saturday
  7. Was something pushed back (serious question ) I mean a good to very good early January pattern seems like it became serviceable to maybe good for (beginning to middle January) . Maybe semantics then there was a period of “relaxation” mid month on ..talked about which sometimes means dog crap for coastal SNE and serviceable for CNE/NNE (it will be peak climo there ) and then there was the hope/ idea that some SSW and or blocking shortened significantly the above mentioned period of meh and we entered a decent El Niño pattern for end of January . Mid January is still over 15 days away so feels to me like goal posts are still kinda wide for that period given climo?
  8. Theoretically speaking , you can also reach a point where despite larger storms the underlying modifying temps and less frequency of cold systems overcomes the former and the “line” that determines where snow is increasing may be moving streadily NW and or toward elevation (In New England ) and beyond , also at the same time another “line “delineating” falling annual snowfall (to the SE of the first line) is also marching NW and creeping into NYC and burbs , Cape and Coastal SNE and then beyond due to the milder temps outweighing the juicer systems when it comes to net/net annual snowfall changes I’m not saying it is as I have no idea and Data wouldn’t conclusively show this till way past it started (to confirm it wasn’t a blip decade or two) especially with all the inherent variability in SNE but it’s just the way I think it could play out over time . NNE would also probably begin to see greater variation then they are used to if that process were unfolding
  9. Nice am walk in the fog by KBED, went from overcast in ASH yesterday to decently Blue skies near KBED and south yesterday
  10. 925’s Mild on gfs this run (0z) for overnite Friday long shot also didn’t do anything for NNE (small patch 2” snow south of Presque Isle Milfs
  11. The euro may have advisory snows + from Dentrite east to interior CP of Maine The BL is still relatively torched south of that and we are talking most 30-32 in central New England anyway
  12. Who the heck thought that was a good look geezus the eggnog weenies. Is everyone smoking crack
  13. I’d take 12z gfs for fri pm into Saturday first zappe miracle then Gfs
  14. With bare ground , I’ll take 47 for a high over 20’s and wind any year
  15. If Torch Tiger was in your precinct yelling “warm and wet , cold and dry “ would you tase him ?
  16. He prefers pics from his met friend in Europe
  17. I’m hoping You see a nice winter event
  18. Euro give’s northern 1/4 of Maine snow with this 28’th event Maybe where the wolf howls
  19. Have they not been making snow like everyone else
  20. I like the idea of big storms really increasing, thanks
  21. And if it goes into the other side is it still serviceable or we would need help in Atl/ pac ? Just trying to understand as future discussion will be easier to understand
  22. 0z gfs was one of the more enjoyable OP runs in a while , 6z didn’t follow but I’d like to see more chances show themselves on 12z . The more storms you see impacting you on a OP run is certainly Better than seeing misses , sort of shows you how good your chances are when you cycle thru several OP runs and their progression
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