I imagine You woke up , looked at models , screamed at kids who were loud by 8am , your heads pounding and then stood in front of bathroom Mirror and told yourself to just accept the 10’th is gonna see some liquid
I think you need hypnosis , to go back to the day of your busted forecast and visualize yourself getting a hug or maybe like they gave to JFK’s sister open up the dome , scramble some wires and stop when you say that’s a cold look
I really want something to just crush the mountains , but we wait and watch and as I said to iceberg the Melts will be Jerry springer like for some if there is a relaxation period after this . I never bought into the 5’th , but maybe it can amp itself silly in next 36 hrs
If that period doesn’t workout for you I believe we may see fireworks
models bouncing like juggs , and I recall you saying you are waiting to see the “whites of its eyes “
Pineapple Express pattern for west , cosmic dildo for East. Check back in am to see if Euro pulls a gerbil..err a rabbit out of .. a hat .I pray it throws precip North of Mass Border but wouldn’t bet on it .
I would anticipate snow in interior elevations if that takes a solid track , we would need some sort of solid High pressure and some luck for that to be snow for many in SNE (I think )