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Everything posted by STILL N OF PIKE

  1. People are finding creative ways and scenarios to prepare themselves in case of a let down “I’d much rather go home with the lady with 3 teeth and overalls ..instead of the banging blonde w the body ..I’m not shallow anymore and uh she prob won’t laugh at me “
  2. I wouldn’t wish for a meat grinder that’s like waiting to get your chance to play on the pga tour and teeing off with a 5 iron
  3. It’s a defense type mechanism just tied to folks that literally set the bar as high as the bullseye shows, people also seem to forget things can shift south then north lol. Statistically there is nowhere you really want to be that will average more than the bullseye (several days out ) it’s just you should shave a significant portion of what bullseye shows and set your bar realistically that far out
  4. In all my time on the boards I always hear Scott say you look good or will be fine . So you may want to ask the pope
  5. Definitely . That is why they have value Im just pointing out they are not varied enough to account for that much variation considering the upstream changes that can occur at day 4-5-6 . I realize you know this
  6. The weakness in the ensembles is they really don’t shake things up that much from the OP conditions so it’s not that unusual for ensembles to be completely not be representative of the changes that could present themselves at 96 hrs out If you were to see ensembles marching south to the NC coast in sync on several straight runs and flatten out west trough that would be a trend that matters big, but we got a long way to go
  7. Trends matter . If it trends south for two days and more importantly *how much * you don’t want it so far you need a Hail Mary to Bring it back did the west trough weaken on the gfs, seems like that was helping this get latitude
  8. For what it’s worth the gfs seems to be caving to the euro with the handling of the 5’th system . Hasn’t mattered for us in days but if we were in Nova Scotia labtops would be trembling and breaking
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