this is why we don’t want the warm front near us.
From the latest SPC MD:"No less than half a dozen long-lived supercells arecurrently noted near this warm front, several of which are, or havebeen tornadic. "
Where the warm front is, there will probably be training super cells. The warm front also acts as a lifting mechanism. It also puts you closer to the triple point.
Looks like multi days of all modes of severe wx this week. SPC has pretty strong wording. Spreading into middle TN late Tuesday into Wednesday.
Flooding rains looks very likely.
That cold snap did quite a bit of damage to agriculture down here. I’ve noticed several Hollys trees and bushes that seem to be behind putting out leaves. I lost several Craig Myrtle. Even my Cypress tree lost some branches and is slowly putting out.
I’m just thankful for the rains to have returned. We needed it here in Middle Tennessee. Let it stay warm with afternoon rain & storms every 3-4 days. I will call it a win!
The Midwest these last 2 days have been hit hard by tornadoes.
Then yesterday China was hit by a strong tornado. 5 dead & 33 injured. Video of it is really crazy. Its was like a the whole storm was the tornado itself.
Not wx related but I saw my first red salamander today here in Smyrna. I thought it was a lizard till I researched what it was. Unusual to have them in this area from what I read. Guess they are expanding their presence.
I am liking the seasonal outlook for May/June/July with above temps but also with above precip. Give me afternoon thunderstorms to sit on my screen porch to listen to. Also keeps the grass & everything green.