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Everything posted by Matthew70

  1. Definitely agree. This one has a high ceiling high impact IF it does what the models are saying. IF!!!
  2. This hurricane is going to be impacting over a very large area. It’s going to be flying towards middle TN then comes to a crawl. The rubber band snaps the other way. From drought to flooding in areas.
  3. Seeing 70’s as highs starting Tuesday & onward is wonderful news. Now if we can throw in some much needed rain so I can seed my yard would be perfect.
  4. The mid state rain chances are disappearing quickly. Was hoping to aerate & seed my yard but the ground is way to hard to do that. Sad & pitiful.
  5. Amazing how 1-2” rain dissipates so quickly when in a drought. Not liking the LR precip maps. Again thankful for what I got but droughts are sure hard to bust once they get established. Cooler wx I love!
  6. Very thankful to have gotten some rain. 1-2” helped no doubt. Though forecast looks dry again for quite awhile. The winds & lower humidity will dry it out quickly. I do love the fall wx that is coming next weekend.
  7. All the rains are teasing this area today. Gust fronts & thunder but no rain. sigh
  8. Not but a few drops IMBY. It’s literally like a desert here. Everything is already looking like winter. Hopefully the trees do not die while going dormant. I feel this is much worse than 2016 for this area. The two driest months still to come. Ugh.
  9. Sorry to hear that. Hopefully it’s a small fix and quick one at that. So true about fall foliage. Leaves are falling quickly in many parts of the area and never had a chance to change.
  10. https://www.wate.com/news/smoky-mountains/flint-gap-fire-in-the-smokies/ Burn ban now in effect for Rutherford county that I live in. The leaves are coming down like snow. Many are green with some yellow. My yard is the worse I have ever seen it. Completely dead. Looking forward to the cooler days but if we don’t get rain it’s going to get ugly I’m afraid. My neighbor is a forest fire fighter. He said right now it would take 5-7” to end our drought. Any rain would help but with the driest months coming up. He said pay attention. We live next to the woods.
  11. Snow fell in the Sierra Nevada mountains for first time in August since 2003.
  12. Lower temps & lower humidity with these dry conditions spells trouble as we lose more leaves to the drought. I was in Gatlinburg this past weekend. They are dry also. We need a week of rain.
  13. I’m starting to not like this long dry spell we are in. We are almost right back where we were before what rains we did get IMBY. The LR does not show much promise of soaking rains either. Plus climatology is we are approaching those drier months. Lower humidity & leaves already falling from the dryness is not a recipe I like.
  14. I must say this weekend the wx is going to be absolutely perfect for August standards. Screen porch in the evenings will be my spot.
  15. Heads up plateau east down to the Chattanooga. Strong line of storms heading your way.
  16. Ended up with a big ole ZERO for rain last few days. Ground is already drying out today. Drought will commence here IMBY. Sigh.
  17. Unless something develops most of the midstate west of the plateau will miss on the rains today. Was hoping to get more rain. Smyrna has not cashed in like others have.
  18. Agree. When you see the black & grey coming out of those into the sky. You know it’s a serious eruption. I believe we are going to see more volcanoes becoming active in America. We are way past due for it to happen. If Yellowstone was to go off then we all know that would be a very bad situation for America.
  19. Yesterday was a frog strangler. Today the heaviest went around us. Still got about .50. The grass definitely greened up from the rain. I was blowing leaves before the rain. Unreal blowing leaves in July. Hopefully we can get a lot more this week. Crossing fingers!
  20. Hardly any rain IMBY also. South of 40 pretty much struck out. My redbud is losing leaves rapidly now. Many of the trees on the woods behind me are losing leaves. My yard is gone. Definitely will be overseeding in the fall if we can get rains to soften the ground for aeration. It’s going to be fall here early. A large brush fire broke out locally here Sunday. It was put out thankfully. Lower humidity is nice but increases fire danger the longer this drought goes on.
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