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Everything posted by Matthew70

  1. Yep the snow dome is screwing us again. Well this time next week winter is done. 60 less than a week away! Wohoo!
  2. Hopefully you get power soon. It’s bad all over. Windmills frozen. Solar panels frozen.
  3. I will not buy in. I will not buy in.
  4. I remember the days when a southern slider was money for mid TN.
  5. I sure hope it’s right on this second storm. Be nice to get a nice snow event before Spring.
  6. I’m outside Smyrna off 840. Weird storm. We are now back to sleet and some snow and frz rain. Yet radar shows not much but it’s steady here.
  7. I did go out and measure on my driveway. Solid 1/2” of sleet. Started roughly around 8:30 here.
  8. The models look to have busted by several miles with the 850 line. It’s way up towards Clarksville. Meaning snow most likely will never be seen south of Clarksville. Snow dome and SE ridge win again.
  9. I actually slipped in my yard just from the drizzle all day. A complete glaze of ice on everything. Taking dog out patio is very dangerous.
  10. Yikes. We have a solid coating of ice also just not that extreme yet.
  11. I will say come on spring. Give me warm rains. Ice and sleet sucks. I hate winter anymore. After seeing the videos of the Ft. Worth pileup just with a .10 of ice. No thanks. Bust models.
  12. That’s just cruel. Winter hates mid TN. It would take forever for that much sleet to melt. Tornadoes to ice dams in gutters. Unreal. Plus roof damage.
  13. Just hope this is not where Middle TN watched East and now West TN enjoy winter while we continue with cold rains even next week.
  14. Very sad to think parts of TN if this happens a disaster area. The landscape will be forever changed. Tornadoes now this.
  15. It was 46 at Clarkesville state line at Hopkinsville it was 44 now at Cadiz Kentucky it’s 35. I’ve been watching my thermostat on my truck now two more miles north is 33
  16. Right when you then we’re moving in right direction. Whip lash back other way.
  17. I will say this forum is wonderful and definitely great posters here to learn from. I thank each and everyone of you.
  18. Not at all saying not to discuss. I love wx but winter wx is extremely hard to forecast. Maybe it’s me but to me winter forecast are much harder than any other season to forecast.
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