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Everything posted by Matthew70

  1. Yeah I’d say this storm is not happening in Nashville. Local stations now saying maybe an inch at best. I’m thinking Sunday maybe more sunny & warmer. Heck Saturday maybe dry also if HRRR is correct.
  2. Beautiful here in mid state also. I could use a pretty weekend like today to cut some bushes out.
  3. Lol. Gotta love TN wx. If Euro goes south & less frozen precip. I would expect WSW by OHX to be dropped.
  4. At this rate the euro is last remaining hope. Which lately it’s not been so king. Sunny & cool weekend I can handle.
  5. I would think the precip filled more to the north. I mean that just looks so not right. Like a brick wall at the TN border.
  6. I just can not figure out wx forecasters. Have they lost their minds like the whole govt. has? Channel 5 WTVF here in Nashville is saying 1-3” & the plateau trace to an 1”. What model shows that for the plateau? We wonder why no one believes them when they say severe wx. Here is why. I would love to “Here’s your sign”.
  7. I agree. Not sure what they expect. Also when did any snow accumulations over 8” become unbelievable & that stuff on the internet?
  8. I will take my chances with a panhandle FL low here for all of TN. Most likely more amped it becomes the more NW it trends. Take a blend of gfs & euro & it’s a TN special.
  9. Is this on a 10:1 ratio?
  10. Really sorry to hear this Jax. I hope you have a full recovery. Never heard of a stroke in eye.
  11. Warnings are real-time as cells evolve. Meso scale discussions and lead time watches are warranted based on synoptic reasoning and conditions that have been suggested by high res modeling and severe parameters. Two seperate entities. Too early to downplay threats when it's not even 22z yet for central areas. Understand but anything happening in MS is slim. I wonder if our Hi res models need a reset. If this underperforms which would be great. Then something is wrong with our forecasting. Chances of people taking any other threats this spring seriously is greatly diminished.
  12. To think in high risk outlook in MS nothing again. To me we’ve got a long ways to go to ever understanding weather. I wonder if SPC throws out too many warnings and watches too easily.
  13. By looks that (reading correctly)? Looks like severe stays south of TN.
  14. Well finally broke the snow dome in Smyrna. Between 5” - 5 1/2”. It’s beautiful out.
  15. All snow here also of Alamaville in Rutherford.
  16. Finally turning over to all snow in Boro.
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