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Everything posted by Matthew70

  1. Salt does not work at these temps. 4x4 does not work on ice. Honestly it was crazy for people to be out in these conditions. It’s dangerous.
  2. Definitely going to be warm it appears for New Year’s. The TWC yeah I know has here at 66 & 60’s most of that week. IF it stays that way for a couple weeks then the fescue will awaken. I just had to mow my yard this week. That should stop at least temporarily after this Christmas weekend.
  3. Sadly it’s the CMC. I don’t remember it ever being right.
  4. This is so true! If it’s going to be dry. 99% correct 10 days out. If it’s going to rain. 99% correct 10 days out. If it’s going to be HOT. 110% correct 2 weeks out! Now for cold & snow. One has to go outside wear flip flops & a speedo & look for a rock if can find one. Then you will know if it is cold & snowy.
  5. I’m good with that lol. Maybe makes this dry arctic air retreat quicker.
  6. So looks like 3 days below freezing then by NY near 60. That is with rain of course. Hopefully we don’t have flooding & severe wx in January. It would not be the first January to have those. What once looked promising for a few weeks of winter is fading quickly. Crazy how quickly things change.
  7. Maybe this front will not make it here. I know it will but it would not hurt my feelings if this Arctic air would stay north of us. Dry & cold I’m not interested in.
  8. I say bring it. Cold & dry especially this cold. I will take a hard pass. I’m already thinking about in 10 days we’re back to the 50’s. With sunshine that will be nice.
  9. The older I get the more I feel a move to FL is what I need to do. This type of cold & no snow is just brutal. I admit I’m looking forward to this cold spell being over. Those 50’s will be nice especially if it’s sunny.
  10. It’s falling in line with the Euro. Only difference is the precip. Euro has a known bias of being too dry. We shall see.
  11. Dry & cold just sucks. No other way to put it. Especially when it’s going to be this cold. Give me warmth over dry & cold.
  12. Same here. Older I get the less tolerance for cold I have. If it turns out dry & this kinda cold. My patience will be tested. I will definitely be saying come on spring .
  13. I always wonder why those cotton pickin things go off at night only. Mine always do it in middle of night.
  14. Sad to see after this cold blast it warms up for a chilly rain. 44-50. TWC says Jan. thaw all month.
  15. So we might be looking at the west getting cold & here we have a few days of cold then back to near normal?
  16. I would think some pretty high ratios also. That’s some ridiculously cold air rushing in.
  17. I would believe that if there is any moisture such as rain before that front, it would flash freeze once the front goes through.
  18. I’m hoping to see some clown maps soon. If it’s going to be that cold please at least let there be snow on the ground. Dry & brown does not work for Santa’s sleigh.
  19. Very sorry to hear this. I hope you you & your wife get better & continue healing. I understand rough year. I still suffer with long Covid. Have good days & bad days. Cough will never go away. I’m alive though. Let’s hope 2023 is a great year for everyone! Here is to a white Christmas if it’s going to be very cold. Put he’s cold air to use.
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