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Everything posted by Matthew70

  1. Happy Thanksgiving to everyone! Hope it’s a great day for ALL!
  2. Praying for strength & healing & comfort for her & you all.
  3. A large fire has broken out in Marion county. A resort has been evacuated along with several homes in the area. Luckily this should be short lived with rain coming in. Expecting about an inch of rain.
  4. Not liking the drier runs as we get closer. We need some soaking rains. Droughts always seem to make their own wx. Meaning more drought. Even with an 1” of rain in a couple days we are back to where we are now.
  5. My neighbor is a volunteer for the forestry fire fighting. He has been in Rhea county last 2 days fighting one there. Said lost a few houses. He said that they are on standby with watchers stationed on the plateau Sunday-Tuesday. Said possible mountain gravity waves there. Similar to what happened in Gatlinburg. He said the plateau is the highest concern at the moment. He said it would take a lot of rainfall to help the situation. Hopefully people will not attempt any fires this weekend into next week. Even frying turkeys could be dangerous.
  6. Well the rain is not going to happen. Sheesh. Low humidity & winds are going to drive any fires that get going. This is turning into worse than when Gatlinburg was hit it seems.
  7. Finally some good rain here this evening & tonight. I think we could approach an inch when all is said & done. I got my yard mowed & leaves up before it started.
  8. I received word a 3rd large fire has broke out near AL/TN line.
  9. Maybe we can allow one more if Kansas wins another big game.
  10. Sad anyone would read these forums & want to do bad things. Hopefully rain comes soon.
  11. My nephew says it looks like there’s a big fire on the mountain near South Pittsburgh. Can anyone confirm?
  12. Rain would be appreciated though it being dry has made blowing leaves easy so far. My new grass is up & doing great with using my own water. Water bill going to be high unfortunately. As for winter. The longer it takes to get cold means the lesser time winter has to stay around. Kinda like the days getting shorter. A couple more months & then the days start getting longer again. Give me about 6 weeks of snow & cold & I will call it a winter. Though unfortunately we don’t even get that anymore. If we get 1-2 weeks it’s a miracle. The fall colors sure are beautiful!
  13. Most of the rain for mid TN dried up. South of 40 pretty much nada. My new grass is coming up but that is because of me watering. Next 10 days looks like more of the same. Nice temps but DRY! Hoping this does not mean fire season is going to be rough. The leaves are coming down quickly now especially with the wind.
  14. To me seems also to f conflicting predictions. Especially for middle TN. One say milder with less snow. Other says 125% average snow. Gotta love nature. She’s full of surprises.
  15. I second this! Better chance with nature predicting winter than throwing darts like we do with the LR models.
  16. Well one thing is looking likely. Dry conditions will persist. Yes some light rain to settle the dust but that’s about all. The temps will be nearly perfect. My grass seed will love the temps. Just going to have to water myself.
  17. The drought is definitely getting worse for a lot of the area. With October being a usually exceptionally dry month. Add in the leaves falling & lower humidity spells concern & trouble. I am aerating & seeding my yard this week. The temps will be absolutely perfect. I will water the seed which means I can do it wo Mother Nature washing it away. Still some rain showers would be nice. I am watering the yard to soften it up. We had about .50 this past week. Settled the dust thankfully. Amazing how we went from wet to dry. The temps & wx have been spectacular. Watching my daughter play her soccer games with the moon in the background the past week was beautiful.
  18. Sadly it’s has turned severely dry here in the midstate. With not much hope in the next 10 days. I gave up on my yard. Not sure how this drought will affect the changing of leaves but I am seeing many trees with their leaves just dropping. No colors at all. Such a great wet summer has crashed into a terribly dry fall.
  19. I’m having lots of leaves falling & turning also. The wx today is absolutely perfection! Love these temps. No humidity. Could use rain though.
  20. We really need some rain in parts of the mid state. With leaves falling & dryness. It could lead to a busy fire season.
  21. Wonder if this is from the TS that has now formed affecting the US?
  22. I am kinda in shock. Just a few days ago it was supposed to be lower to mid 90’s here. I’m definitely not complaining. Definitely could use some rain here in mid TN. Overall the days have been somewhat tolerable this holiday weekend. The evenings actually have been quite nice. Starting to get landscaping ready to plant new shrubs after removing ones that last winter killed. Yard is pretty much stalled in growing. I’m hoping winter is a surprise like this summer has been. This has been overall in my opinion a great summer.
  23. Just a week ago it was supposed to be lower to mid 90’s here. Really glad to see the change in temps. Now if we can get some rain.
  24. I just hope some rain is thrown into the pattern. It’s getting quiet dry.
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