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Everything posted by DC2Winston

  1. Any chance sleet could over-perform in Winston? I know soundings are trash. Even if for first thump.
  2. I’ve only seen significant sleet accumulation once before, around 4 inches. Was in Prince William Co. VA along I-95 in late 90s. Temps were mid 20s. Would vote this 10/10 instead of ZR.
  3. I’m in Winston just NW of downtown near Wake Forest campus. Still just rain so far no mixing.
  4. Nothing falling here in Winston. 48 degrees.
  5. More of the same here in Triad. White rain couple hours.
  6. Was at friends in Clemmons, drove back home to 27106 NW Winston. Just a little dusting here but more than last two “events”. Sad.
  7. If that gradient near us panned out, how cool would a chase be from Winston to like Mount Airy? Wild.
  8. Seeing as we only had a trace here in Winston last night, sign me up for a half inch with initial WAA band Sat night if it manifests. Don’t care if all rain Sunday.
  9. Model mayhem inside 36-48 hours. Fun times.
  10. Moved from DC to Winston 3 years ago. Had many solid busts up there. This is first nice busto here. NW Winston near Wake campus and nothing. Couple bouts of moderate flakes no accumulation. Appreciate all the Mets I follow, no ones fault.
  11. I would call it a moderate flurry right now with little sleet mixed in. Breezy.
  12. Light sleet in Winston near Wake campus.
  13. Nothing yet here despite darker returns on RadarScope
  14. I’ve been staying awake here also. Winston near Wake campus. Watching virga. Trying to last to see how precip starts.
  15. Hoping for similar start here before mix/flip. Thx for update
  16. Here in Winston feeling that pre-snow/mix event deal where it feels warmer than couple hours ago. Prob no meteorology in there but maybe air less dry?
  17. 38.5/32.1 Winston near Wake Forest campus
  18. Ok peoples. Let’s reel this in. Good luck to everyone and their backyards. Lots of deck pics tomorrow
  19. Personal goal IMBY still stands at 2-3”. Just some fun snow TV and maybe catch a death band. See some nice rates.
  20. Triad is NW Piedmont as defined by Raleigh NWS if I remember correctly.
  21. I’d settle for just 1-2 inches around here and seeing it fall during the day. Small victories.
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