Textbook dusting here in Winston, grass and elevated surfaces only. Came down good for couple hours. Rooting for round 2 tomorrow AM. Happy for my RDU area friends! .
First time I’ve seen a WSW paint such a broad range like this, 1-6 inches. 2-4, 3-6 yes of course. Tough forecast I know, but aren’t they all in the RAL footprint? :-) .
Feels like a small giveaway about the mid-levels would be all this forecasted snow well NW of CNC…talking about Kentucky…too close to LP track…(I’m in Winston) .
I have only seen sleet accumulate more than a coating once, that was in mid-90s in northern Virginia. Surface air temps were in low 20's entire time, got about 4" sleet. I don't think we'll see quite that much here, but could come close.
You know something has gone sideways when storm thread SILENT less than 72 hours from GO-time.
Cant wait to lose power and skate down my driveway Sunday afternoon.
I asked this question in SE forum...but is this the type of setup where Winston/Greensboro, NC would do about same as DC snow-wise? Trading latitude for elevation and distance from water...
Where would have the better chance of let's say 6-8" SN before mixing?
Feeling now 50/50 or better to lose power (ice) here in Winston. Would be second time in two weeks after the wind/rain/snow extravaganza. Fun times.
Also feels like pure snowstorm will be well west of 77 and ++ elevation. ~800 to 1,200 feet maybe WAA thump but quickly sleet/ice fest. Nothing like 25 degrees and pingers.