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About MikeB_01

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
  • Location:
    Pittsburgh, PA

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  1. Crazy. My backyard only made it down to 77° .
  2. A lot of the severe nature of today is hinging on these clouds getting out of here. Need some instability to get these storms going today .
  3. No cool air in sight, i'm done wishcasting snow. Bring on the Spring!
  4. A little under 3” so far here. With the last push here I’m hoping I can get over 3.5 .
  5. Im trying to catch up, but I like the trends. Like @Mailman said, clippers tend to overachieve. With a good trend and keeping that in mind, I’m feeling positive about it right now. .
  6. ahh the positivity. Never ending hope. Honestly though, its not a crazy solution. A slight tick NW and we are in it.
  7. I don't know what i would do without you guys. No one else understands my frustration (or excitement --> when it happens)
  8. Wow!! The trend over the last few runs is crazy. I’m hoping the windshield wiper effect is fully engaged. Settling somewhere in between .
  9. Missed posting about this yesterday.... is this a Cat 2 hurricane over Delaware?
  10. this is me every single time i start the watching the run of the GFS and don't even see a fantasy storm. This pattern is rough. Hoping second half of February can bring something to cheer for.
  11. maybe im not understnding these charts the way they are suppsed to be understood, but i did the same thing for Des Moines, IA (an area highlights but -50% snowfall). This is what I got.
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