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Everything posted by snjókoma

  1. 2.3" in N Arlington for the pure snow stage of the storm. Loud pingers now, temperature has crept up to 25.
  2. Hearing rimed flakes in Arlington, visibility letting up a bit.
  3. 1.5" and some high-ratio stuff in Arlington. Hoping the Loudoun-Montgomery band swings south.
  4. Getting a somewhat intense burst of graupel and/or rimed flakes in Arlington.
  5. 02z HRRR is the driest yet for DC and closer environs. ~0.1" of precipitation
  6. A lot of people could not wrap their heads around it being 60 degrees Sunday and snowing Monday. Saw tons of Facebook comments assuring people there would be no accumulation because it would all melt. Probably some of the people stuck on 95 today.
  7. Somewhere between 6 and 7 inches here. Flakes getting fluffier.
  8. Pretty sure ratios are increasing... radar over me wasn't super impressive but had 1" in the last 30 minutes.
  9. 5" on top of my car 4.5" on one patio table 4.8" on another Split the difference and say 4.7"? Puking snow
  10. 2" in N Arlington. More than an inch in the last hour.
  11. About an inch on elevated surfaces in N Arlington, visibility dropping and side streets caving.
  12. More NW but less snowy than 10z by a couple inches.
  13. The band(s) south of DC are like a weenie Rorschach test. They're either moving north to envelope the immediate area or about to stall just south depending on how you tilt your head when you loop the radar.
  14. Almost shocked at the rates, accumulation and temps in N Arlington. 3/6/13 this isn't! 33F and still dropping.
  15. Grass starting to get that telltale whitish hue under the band here. Temp down to 34F. As far as DC snowstorms go, this is not a bad start.
  16. 08z HRRR shifts the axis of heaviest precipitation a bit southeast.
  17. Maybe an inch of slush in Providence. Pretty terrible bust, all things considered.
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