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Everything posted by the_other_guy

  1. I am so sick of this weather… It’s like Nova Scotia on a bad day in July. Terrible.
  2. as somebody that uses both scales for work, I don’t think centigrade is more precise than Fahrenheit at all. Quite the opposite if you actually utilize decimal places with Fahrenheit. Not that I’m advocating for the United States system. But most weather forecasts throughout the world are done using Celsius without a decimal point, and it’s a lot less precise than anything we have in the United States, because each degree covers a much larger interval
  3. DC is much warmer than us. Normal high there for today is 45F sometimes that gets glossed over. Still very warm in the low 70s but it would be much warmer if it was in the low 70s here relative to normal
  4. i’ve been in shorts all day. Sometimes you have to remember that it’s the end of January. 51F now.
  5. well, they better get used to it. It sure seems to be the new normal. They’ll be some good winters with a lot of bad ones in between. it’s just too warm. Humans evolve. can’t cling to the past and hope it goes back
  6. sorry. It’s just frustrating that people write off 1/3 of the forum. Back to weather. I think it’s an interesting set up because it’s the opposite of what we deal with most of the time it’s rain, transitioning to snow with cold air rushing in. The question is how quickly can the cold air get in here and can it reach the coast. The guys deriding this as a marginal air mass: the cold air will be in place. It’s a matter of timing with the storm. the cold air coming in is not marginal
  7. I feel like I should be under a dense fog advisory. Very surprised that I’m not. Well under a quarter of a mile here
  8. That’s right! you had the snowy week in January you get another one in February and before you know it you cobble together a winter with some memories. What else do you want? A lot of these guys on here are chasing a number for a record book and they don’t care if it melts the next day. I loved this past week! I don’t remember the last time we had snow on the ground for two weeks in January and I’m pretty close to that. Who cares if it was only about 5 or 6 inches of snow between three different events? I think my kids and I have been sledding five or so times already. I’m hoping for more.
  9. anybody with an iPhone having an issue posting photos here? I always do that screenshot thing and it’s never been an issue up until about a week ago and I can’t get the file small enough to upload anymore. Thoughts?
  10. you didnt fall for that 65F did you? The clown map of temperatures
  11. listen, this guy and that QQ guy just forget dealing with them with regards to this winter. Both declared winter over on January 20th. meanwhile, I had sleet and snow falling last night. This guy made the scientific prediction of a light snow event the first week of March…yesterday.
  12. Getting a good dose of sleet here in Westchester. even the road is covered with crunchies.
  13. BS. He is an intelligent poster and you don’t get to piggyback on him to back up your statements. Sorry
  14. you declared winter over on January 20.
  15. Okay, ill play. Based on what science is this prediction?
  16. Lakes moisture and uplift over terrain
  17. moisture laden, mild air and storm slowly dragging west versus cold, dry air and tip of storm touching us east I would imagine. The warm sector of the storm is much larger with spotty precip. The original post from the poster that you quoted is incorrect. It’s not gonna rain. there’s gonna be spotty showers all week with periods of rain. It is interesting to be along the shores of Lake Erie and see a prolonged showery type of snow. Regularly in Cleveland and if you ever spent time there, they don’t always get 6 inches of snow, but a constant stream of dusting that relentlessly add up
  18. he is an intelligent poster. thats why he wont answer that on 1/21
  19. Not going to be anywhere near 65 on Friday
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