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Everything posted by the_other_guy

  1. I can count like 3 or 4 in my adult life. The most famous being the Xmas Day Storm with 20 people in my parents house
  2. I’m not getting into debate on global warming. It’s ridiculous. Like the 5th winter in a row of significant warmth. Frankly, Im dont care. But I dont deny reality.
  3. I have an early January bday and up until recently always had snow on ground or falling within 24 hours of it. As someone else said, February was always best for snow, but it has warmed so much its all out the window
  4. It really isnt. It is a 287 North/West event plus or minus a few miles. The further south of that you are, the less significant it becomes. This will be the fourth snow event like this this season
  5. This whole thing has gotten so ridiculous. It is fucking science. If you want snow in marginal air you need grass trees and natural surfaces that cool rapidly . The whole winter has become a March snow event. Its too warm, theres too much cement, there is 12 feet of elevation. Daytime, anything but heavy…you are done. Getting mad at NW people or pretending it is a non event is literally getting angry at science and climate. It is bizzare
  6. i’m walking the dog right now in shorts. It’s become a regular thing this winter at 287. Forget the city
  7. I love the whiplash emotions on this forum. For reference, I posted AccuWeather 1 to 2 inch call several days ago. They have been spot on all year. And I love how rocksteady they have been run after run after run after run of models and the whiplashing emotions on this page. Let me tell you what’s gonna happen next in case you haven’t watched this show before. the models are gonna go south again and all these guys that want snow in the city are going to jump on board thinking it’s finally gonna happen. …And it wont. And some lawn either side of 287 will get a 2 inch snow fall. The reason that it will happen like that is because the city is running 5° above normal this winter. And it’s too warm to snow in an urban environment with temps like that The end What a winter on this forum!
  8. given that early voters are generally Democrat, but South shore voters are generally republican, should balance no?
  9. You always say 84 tho. Thats why people tune you out and call you a troll, which isnt nice. Last time you said 84 as I was shoveling 30 miles south of 84.
  10. not even. all 2-3 inch events. you are running +5 for the winter. 287 is the new coast with that. accept it and move on. Wishing for unicorns in city. My Hydrangea bush has buds on them.
  11. frankly, you’re lucky. If you live down in the city, I don’t think my parents have had to appreciably clean any snow in years at least being north you’ve seen something.
  12. Same call all winter. Why not? If youre 20 miles inland makes for an interesting day
  13. I must say, AccuWeather has been spot on this winter with the amount of snow that we have gotten here in Westchester. They are calling for 1 inch of snow on Tuesday. Take that for what it’s worth.
  14. again, these are just theories at this point. You have posted this before that you do not see it direct correlation with the warmth and the lack of snow. I have a theory that we will actually be much more affected by warming than places like the Delmarva or the Tennessee valley. simply because of location and because we are an extreme urban environment that doesn’t exist anywhere else in the country. You are already seeing this play out in real time. You were looking at a north south east west axis for your warming assumptions going forward. I’m looking at that plus extreme urbanization and urban heat island. I think if you move north and west of New York City, your assumptions will be more in line of a traditional axis by which the warming is moving. But I think New York City in terms of snowfall is fucked at this new warmer climate. I don’t think it’s an aberration. I don’t think it will be comparable to the 70s and 80s and 90s. I think we have seen a sharp drop off in snow due to the fact that we are now running 5 to 10° warmer on any given day then we should be. And in a cement jungle like Brooklyn (sorry MJO) you cant snow under those circumstances
  15. Im a timing guy. Re historical snow season: You have 4 weeks from today give or take. Maybe 4.5 weeks. So yes, coming to the end one way or another
  16. this has been the same map all winter. Guys are searching for a unicorn it’s just too warm to snow anymore in the New York City metro. even with this pattern change that everybody’s been talking about for so many weeks, there’s no cold air. Just average temps
  17. If youre an early riser and have a few decades under your belt, you know the feeling on the morning walk. It is still crisp but brighter and the sun feels real good even with a stiff breeze. Spring is in the air
  18. This winter, I wouldnt cancel or lose sleep over any snow event this far out
  19. Whiteface is hands down the best ski area in the region. if you could ski that, you could ski anything. On a good day it is spectacular. On a bad day it presents some of those most challenging skiing around at a marked trail resort
  20. Utah is tops. SLC area is so great. So much sun, nice skiing, every guy is hot and rugged, every girl athletic. Of course, in all my trips there, I rarely see snow in city
  21. Def feel the spring sun!
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