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About mikem81

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
  • Location:
    Hempstead, NY

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  1. https://weather.cod.edu/ My favorite auto refresh radar site is down. Anyone with other good ones?
  2. NAM slightly north. Looks like .3-.4 of precip by 12Z tomorrow from SW to NE in NYC metro
  3. In that case look at the current radar. The northern bands are much further east of the southern part of the storm... https://weather.cod.edu/satrad/?parms=regional-northeast-comp_radar-24-1-100-1&checked=map&colorbar=undefined
  4. It snows much longer up in the NYC area (at least on the models) based on the configuration of the precip shield..
  5. Similar amounts here in Garden City. Should finish between 6 and 7 depending on this last band.
  6. Someone in Suffolk may get a foot. will be much closer to 6 inches in Nassau
  7. Its my go to radar.. https://weather.cod.edu/satrad/nexrad/?parms=DIX-N0Q-1-12-100-usa-rad
  8. These are the good returns. Seems like another hour of heavy stuff east of NYC and 2-3 hours Suffolk east
  9. I think the 6-8 for area from Queens and East is a good call with some locally higher measurers from the typical suspects..
  10. Yes. I had 1.5 inches at 815 and almost up to 4 inches now
  11. This is the key. If this can pivot a bit instead of racing east, NYC/LI and C-NNJ can get a few more hours of SN+
  12. Moderate snow here in south garden city. Sticking already. 32.4 degrees
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