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Everything posted by zinski1990

  1. We're never getting an ef5 again are we?
  2. We're never getting an ef5 again are we?
  3. we all know this will be ef2 cause nws refuses to ever rate an ef5 ever agin
  4. Greenfield probably got wiped off the map
  5. enhanced is the new high. High risks seem to just bust more often than not now
  6. strange how the line didnt kill it. Looks like it even intensified
  7. this is such a bust. I miss when high risks verified
  8. Indy missing out again. I swear all we ever get is rain lol
  9. same here in indy man. Sucks. Every winter too . Gets old seeing 90% of this forum having the fun while we sit and watch too lol
  10. Central Indiana is a snow repellant man. So sick of this
  11. I hate it here in Indy lol. Classic
  12. same lol. Would be classic us to have the storm of a lifetime just track straight over Central Indiana
  13. Indys luck sucks too. 1978 last really big one. I think the biggest storm ever was over 16 inches in like 1910 or something lol. Southern Indiana even had a historic storm with the Pre Christmas 2004 Storm where some places got 24-30" plus
  14. Meanwhile me here in Central Indiana feeling left out like always.
  15. Seems like its been forever since I've seen a pattern like this in our area. Definitely since 2011
  16. Feels like an ef5 will never happen again I swear.
  17. I miss springs with severe weather and storms all the time. Seems like indy hasn't had much of them since 2011. I remember the June 7 2008 flood here
  18. They have no idea. Our weather underwhelms, is boring, or lets us down like 90% of the time. Typical our luck. This monster storm and were 40 degree and rain
  19. I miss when winters were colder and snowier than average like most of the 2000s and 2013 14
  20. I just miss the winters in the 2000s besides 2001-02 and early to mid 2010s except of course 11-12. Seems like its sucked ever since 2015 honestly. Indys been way below average in snow every year since then. 2017-18 was probably closest to average.
  21. Obviously I like where I'm at just west of indy. Rare I have this feeling
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