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Everything posted by TullyHeel

  1. So the globals are on board with a good winter storm here and the NAM and HRRR have hardly anything. This is crazy.
  2. Okay, let's do this! No matter what happens, it's just snow. Or no snow. Anyway, my son's basketball team that I coach won by 20 tonight against a team that beat us the first time we played them, and everyone on the team scored a basket, too. I'm thinking we need to set up a full court press on the NAM to get some turnovers and start coming back by feeding the Euro. Let's go!
  3. Yet you still replied. And I was just stating the fact that it is a good thing they are not as bad at predicting tornado outbreaks as they are winter storms here. And I said I was done talking about it.
  4. And the local mets are probably praying something happens after they sounded the alarm earlier today. If not the public won't have much confidence in them in the future. Not saying that's right, but that's how it will be.
  5. It's a lot better that it's snow instesd of something like a tornado outbreak catching people off guard. I just think in this day and age the technology should be better to have such differences in the models and such dramatic changes this close to go time and. But it is what it is. It will either snow or not. Maybe it would be better to just wait and see what happens instesd of trying to see what the models show might happen. Anyway, Dr Rick says no more talking about how awful the models are.
  6. I agree. But it still doesn't mean it's crazy to either have the Euro be totally off or have the NAM make such a dramatic change in 12 hours and only 48 hours out. It's just a message board.
  7. The models being awful 48 hours out and making such a dramatic change in 12 hours takes the fun out of it. I guess you're not a aports fan and never vent about your teams when they suck, too. But maybe the Euro is right. That would be great.
  8. If this ends up not snowing west of 95 the global models need to be put out to pasture.
  9. Anyone want to help me out with something at the other place?
  10. The models didn't start to go to crap until they started hyping the 3 to 5 inches today. Poor timing.
  11. It's my own fault for getting sucked into what the models were showing.
  12. This has been a collapse of epic proportions by the models. To go from a great looking storm on pretty much every model to a dud in 12 hours and only 48 hours before go time is terrible.
  13. It's not just one model run, though. The storm has continued to look worse and worse today with each run after looking awesome just 12 hours ago, and only 48 hours before go time. It's the way the runs have gone the opposite direction so quickly and so close to go time that is crazy. Sorry, but that is an epic collapse by the models.
  14. I mean what's the point in ever looking at the models past 24 hours then?
  15. Man, why do we look at this junk so far out if it can all go to crap in less than 12 hours only 48 hours before go time? Might as well just see what the models say 48 hours out when the local mets have snow in the forecast.
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