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Everything posted by Wonderdog

  1. Cuomo mentioned it yesterday according to the article I read. Results were of course extrapolated.
  2. Check out 1st NY antibody test results.
  3. I don't think three constitutes a bunch.
  4. So social distancing. There are no lockdowns. Words matter.
  5. By lockdowns, what is meant is social distancing, hand washings, and masks, correct?
  6. Eh, wave two is debatable as is waiting for it and doing nothing.
  7. Relatively well may become the "new normal ". But I'm confident that our virologists will come thru with anti-virals fairly soon. It's going to be a long road to economic recovery anyway. Hopefully we don't have to wait too long to start.
  8. I assumed he was talking about individual decisions but under the umbrella of the phrase in periods. Am I wrong?
  9. Right. NY/NJ area is the outlier. Plus MA and MD. Deaths and hospitalizations are key, not cases imo.
  10. I don't think most governors will wait till June 1.
  11. What would be your criteria?
  12. Everyone is guessing. How much a reduction of deaths for each governor will prompt them to gradually begin to open things up is the question.
  13. Our economy can't entirely be contingent upon guesses. Facts matter. We'll see.
  14. At some point we have to return to work. Remember that the vast vast majority get a mild case. People will be wearing masks and practicing some semblance of social distancing going forward imo.
  15. I'd like May 15 to be the date in VA. Gives us 3 more weeks to come down the backside of the curve plus we will have seen how GA does. Then we can assess.
  16. You should love capitalism. My guess is that most employers would show some compassion in this regard. And don't forget that those who contract the virus recover from it. And many don't even know they had it.
  17. Oh it's tricky alright. Get ready for some litigation. But if I were an employer, I would definitely look into it. There would be good reasons to sue and to have employees sign a waiver.
  18. They are smart to do that. If someone comes down with the virus who is to say where they picked it up.
  19. I know but they scooped Fox once again.
  20. It's been a bitter pill to swallow but unfortunately something we had to do. Hopefully it ends by May 15.
  21. Should be good during flu season.
  22. Who is being tested by and large?
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