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Everything posted by Wonderdog

  1. Check out a Toro self- propelled mower. Probably more expensive than a Snapper but hey, you're loaded.
  2. Is that a tropical system rolling thru FL at the end of the GFS run?
  3. Give it a couple of weeks. If there aren't any major setbacks, it will change. Besides place like restaurants will be cutting back on tables, capacities etc. My guess is that due to America's ability to adapt, things will be getting back to near normal. A lot of fear is being spread especially by some of your sources of information for obvious and not so obvious reasons.
  4. And I think you have to consider assaults, robberies, and thefts of all kinds when correlating crimes and poverty or at least financially disadvantaged individuals, not just violent crimes.
  5. Northam extends stay at home to 5/14/2020. Phase 1 might begin after that.Cites PPE and hospital beds in adequate supply.
  6. Can anyone direct me to a website that shows hospitalizations in VA on a daily basis. And why would VA count total # of positive tests as opposed to the # of patients who tested positive?
  7. I agree. If some want to disagree, what's the big deal. I find it informative to see differences of opinion. I think it broadens my perspective on this topic. Just digesting groupthink all the time isn't really interesting.
  8. The toy is at the ready!
  9. Looks like Virginia is down for the 2nd day in a row also.
  10. Moderators, is taking a poll on when people on this thread would be willing to go back to work allowed, absent of course of any major developments? Maybe do it in it's own thread? Eh never mind; might get too political.
  11. Right! Who cares about positive cases if hospitalizations go down.
  12. I know that. I don't know this guy from Adam. But I like to keep an open mind about things. There is no "expert" on the COVID 19 that I'm aware of atpt. Seems to me it's a learning experience for everyone.There will be of course hopefully very soon but not being labeled an "Expert" doesn't necessarily mean you're wrong about something.
  13. As am I. I also know that both sides in an action of some sort have their experts. We used to call them hired guns. lol
  14. My take re what he was saying was if you discount the 70 and older fatalities most of whom don't work anyway then policy decisions should be adjusted. Anyway seems more doctors are coming around a bit on this subject.
  15. Anyone read the recent interviews of Dr. Scott Atlas from Stanford? Interesting perspective.
  16. I thought the post was fine. He didn't call anyone out specifically and like everyone else is craving for some sort of a glimmer of light. That being said, this virus is taking a toll on us all and he is not alone in his assessment of the opinions that appear here and the vast majority of posts in this thread are opinions, except of course for the ones who have real-life experience in the medical field.
  17. Yeah just saw that. Mea Culpa.
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