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Everything posted by Wonderdog

  1. But I have seen the light. I feel very good about our propects for the rest of winter. I can envision the toy needing a tuneup before we're halfway thru Feb. You can have my tombstone. I'll chip in for the name change!
  2. Thanks to you brother. Why did you limit me to two weeks in prime climo?
  3. Could we be seeing the storm we want forming in the southwest at 500 at the end of the run?
  4. Is it correct to say we need that ridge further east running thru Idaho?
  5. Flurries in Gainesville with a stiff breeze. I want more!
  6. What's more depressing is the snow along our front looks like it won't make it to our area.
  7. Happy Birthday Maestro! I too just celebrated a birthday a week ago. I've already forgotten which one it was.
  8. BristowWx, I'm predicting a cartopper for early tomorrow. What say you?
  9. Yeah, it robbed Randall of a trip to the Super Bowl and a MVP.
  10. I got 2 inches. Pretty good storm for December these days out here. Pretty icy right now. Wonderdog and Skye King got a good run in the heavy snow yesterday. "Winning"
  11. Warrenton is in warning area. 11 miles from my abode. But that could make all the difference. More elevation too.
  12. Must be favoring the EURO. I think it could break either way for us.
  13. Back in the day, Liberty was known as Charnita, if I recall correctly. But I drank more at that time.
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