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Everything posted by Wonderdog

  1. 42° with very light rain with snow or sleet droplets in Gainesville!
  2. To my untrained eye, the entire run appears to have no western ridge that works for us.
  3. 6z GFS beginning to look interesting starting this weekend as the frontal boundary puts us on the right side of us. Looks to be busy starting next weekend also.
  4. Except for the "legitimately" part.
  5. It's on our doorstep brother. Then it dries up.
  6. 41 degrees at 95 and 234 South with Skies brightening in the east
  7. 39 degrees with a stray snowflake or two falling on Route 234 approaching Route 28
  8. Future radar shows snow approaching Gainesville a little past 1pm
  9. Would be a shame to waste a coastal storm like this one. I gather from your comment that this setup reminds you of something.
  10. Can anyone recall a similar setup like this in the past where the storm actually did move to the West approaching the beginning of the storm?
  11. Agreed. Looks like I'm going to need the northern stream to over perform to reach that.
  12. Brother, I'd be happy if PWC would scratch out a 4 inch snowfall.
  13. Time to step away brother and come back at 18z. Just peek at the number of pages in this thread at 12z.
  14. NWS has upped precipitation possibilities to 50% for this storm from 30%.
  15. EURO run was almost there at H5. Definitely an improvement from yesterday. One more tick west may improve the look of things at the western ridge.
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