Are you looking to buy or just chase (rent) during an event?
'The Village' is all condos and is where 90% of restaurants and shops are. There are many condos, townhomes within walking distance to the Village. Most of which do need updating. South Mountain is where Soaring Eagle Condos are. They are the newest and nicest. About a 10-15 minute walk to the Village from there. A couple of restaurants are there as well. Silver Creek is on the North Side and kinda secluded but free shuttle bus runs every 15 minutes. Brand new Old Spruce Brewery is there though.
If you are looking to buy, Spencer Woody at First Tracts Real Estate is the guy. Knows everything about the real estate market there. If just going to chase a snow event, I would stay in The Village at the following buildings:
Allegheny (year round heated pool) or at an updated Rimfire, Seneca or Highland House condo. All Village central.