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Everything posted by Potvinsux

  1. Still lurking here daily, after retiring to the Finger Lakes. Since living here, the RGEM has been spot on within 48-72 hours. Not only with lake effect (usually avoiding this area, unfortunately) but with this past weekends storm. Constantly showed us not getting above freezing. Only model that did and was correct on snow totals.
  2. Increased intensity in Warren VT again..... So damn beautiful.
  3. Not expecting this much in Warren VT already. Has to be over 12". Much lighter now but probably picked up 1-2" in the last hour. Table was clear last night.
  4. Pure luck I am renting an A-frame in Warren VT for the week. Now expecting 12-18" with about 10" already. Definitely can retire here.....
  5. Renting an A-frame in Warren VT. Just perfect timing I guess. Beautiful here..I would say around 8" already. Yesterday's WWA for 4-6" went to WSW for 5-12", now to 12-18".
  6. After some ZR....finally snowing. Maybe ground will get white. What a terrible winter even here in Snowshoe. They have almost every trail open but only because of their amazing snowmaking.
  7. Not in Snowshoe this weekend but my weather station is reading -11.5° in the village. Wind chills have got to be -30°.
  8. You should get light snow most of the day there. Radar won't show the lighter upslope events, unfortunately. Make sure to cover everything if going out to the slopes today!
  9. Yup, that's the one. 2 feet in Roxbury Twp, where I grew up. Absolutey the heaviest snow I ever saw that early afternoon.
  10. Terrible skiing weather today. 29° ZR, wind howling in Snowshoe. Will git slopes tomorrow instead.
  11. Nothing like Buffalo but dry, powdery snowfall. An additional 1" today and blowing around.
  12. Just arrived in Snowshoe. 17° with light snow. Fresh 2-3" since yesterday. Snowmaking is on its 3rd day and major whales have formed. Looks like they will be able to open for Thanksgiving.
  13. 25° in Snowshoe this morning. 1-2" overnight. More coming this evening.
  14. In Snowshoe this weekend. I have to assume this is NOW the last snow of the season. Several inches are in the forecast but more of an October snow where ground temps are pretty warm. We will see.
  15. Not in Snowshoe this weekend but glad you guys are seeing the snow. 21° on my weather station but can't tell you what has fallen. Last day of season tomorrow.
  16. Saw hints of that on long range. Next weekend is final days of season anyways. Lots of their seasonal workers already leaving.
  17. Last Snowshoe snowfall was NOT last Saturday. Snowing now, 29°. Trying to squeeze out 1-2" of upslope this morning.
  18. Exactly right! Down to 7° in Snowshoe and in between squalls is sun. I'm thinking ratios are 16-18 to 1. Seems like a mod squall is leaving an additional inch. No way of telling exact accumulation but definitely verifying 8 or more.
  19. Snowshoe: Mod Snow to heavy snow squalls thought the morning and afternoon. Whiteout during heaviest squalls. Not sure how much has fallen but very high ratios. Still sitting around 16°.
  20. Snowshoe: Cold front came through around 1 am at 43°. 17° Mod snow, looks to be 3-4". Awesome ratios, hopefully continued upslope today.
  21. After heavy rain, grass showing, snow guns are running again, snow falling, Temp 24 and dropping. Even in Snowshoe, the winter has been bad. This time last year, about 20" of snow pack. They need one more storm in March to keep running through April.
  22. About 3" right now and snowing lightly in Snowshoe. Wouldn't be surprised to see 1-2" tonight.
  23. Snowing lightly all day in Snowshoe. Temperature around 20°. Should be some additional upslope tonight. Beautiful Super Bowl Sunday.
  24. Are you looking to ski or just get away? Snowshoe has stayed open till April some years but usually only till April 1. There is always a chance they stay open later but most seasonal employees leave by then so it's hard to keep things open. April and May are the shutdown months and it's a ghost town. Not much is opened at all. These are the times where they transition from ski to bike, maintenance, clean up, etc
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