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About Clemsonlady

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
  • Location:
    Clemson SC 29631

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  1. I put up all my winter gear over the weekend.. sleds, boots etc! .
  2. I fear this storm will surprise some folks, make some folks really happy and disappoint others… been a long time since I have seen such disagreement with models… and yes I am sure the Mets are cautious… they get graded on these forecasts and this one is a physics exam you did not study for! .
  3. I remember many big snows the day after 70’s… it usually happens more in March… but it has happened !
  4. Clemson SC / Western Upstate… we have a definite 3 inches of snowfall… looks like we are having sleet mix in.. very gusty winds… all trees and plants with leaves are weighted down.
  5. Haha in regards to welcome back! I love snow watches!
  6. Just had some solid Thunder here in Clemson SC at 2pm EST February 19... mountain lore... old wives... 10 days from snow
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