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Everything posted by SENC

  1. SENC


    Good Morning Folks, woke up around 4AM w/my phone screaming Weather alerts.. Tornado warnings.. Or Waterspouts.. Looks like it's going to be a interesting morning & Day around ILM.. I sincerely believe, watching the course this morning, ILM will brace for Impact..
  2. A interesting story coming outta the Bahamas...
  3. Oh My,, good evening Folks! Looking at a intercept, cannot get back onto the Barrier Islands ATM.. Though, I got a couple places I hope to catch the Landfall.. Get some Live video.. HEY BABY..
  4. SENC


    Looking to intercept.. Got a couple places planned.. CANNOT get onto the "Barrier Islands", (Mandatory evacuation ) though can intercept across the Inlet in two places.. .. grrr..
  5. SENC


    Folks, Link(s) to LIVE WEB CAMS, up & down the Beaches, IF interested in scoping out whats happening.. From Myrtle to OBX/Nags head.. I linked the pier I fish-on in Carolina Beach, (the North End).. http://www.surfchex.com/carolina-beach-web-cam.php
  6. SENC


    Matthew and Irene , I was fishing on our local piers.. AND have video to prove it, (being there).. MEH..
  7. SENC


    MEH.. If that holds serve.. Well.. I'll be "on the beach" to record it.. @downeastnc & @shaggy Have ya'll been on the great Fishing bite the past couple days? Kings/Spanish/Spots/Blues/SST, & Red Drum are running.. IF this Model comes to pass, It WILL be a *boon* too fish stocks.. (along with other species of fish).. Chance to Spawn..
  8. @YetAnotherRDUGuy says:.. NO they are outdated the Day they came out.. Quite honest about that.. Over-Development With NO regards, to the "Swamp" that is SENC.. Over-building, with "run-Off" NOT , being considered.. Hence, 500 year storms" happening",, almost every year, (even with heavy T-Storms") places are , or WILL be flooded.. Over-building with NO thoughts, on flooding OR how to drain "Wetlands".. I digress..
  9. Chem trails, didn't you hear? AND the Earth is Flat.. /SARC..
  10. Over 40 years of experience In the Zone .. Once on a spoil Island here..... 33.919850, -78.231715 During Bertha.. On the beaches & Spoil Islands.. (I was a commercial Fisher (person)).. and wanted to experience a Cane (On the beach) quite the interesting experience, that one..
  11. Home flattened,, because of Storm Surge..
  12. I APPROVE of this Message 1000 likes X 10..
  13. **“if it was X it would look like *X*” ** It's called being,, realistic in LIFE.. Maybe you should study it sometime.. Also known as a Dog Eat Dog Kinda World,, as obviously, yours is Sheltered.. Need a Blinky or Safe Space? ..
  14. Well? It's how He makes His living, (though part time).. NOW,,, BIG $$$$$$ Coming His way… Wouldn't you do it also? I would,, I'll even spout the False Hoax; of AGW, provide video, screaming, staged antics, .. Even Nekkid Folks would LOVE ME Hey,, Josh is sexy, with that beard ,, While Showering Me with $$$$ Yeah, I gotta do, that too, I gotta a brand new water proof Camera, and a chance.. Ft. Fisher/Bald Head Island is My target/chaser video.. come Chursday I need a few dollars more.. Que up Clint Eastwood theme A Few Dollars more..
  15. You would be surprised.. I thought so also, living in the Atlantic side of the PCZ.. (Panama).. When I got there, a swimming class for Panamanian high schoolers.. that lived either on Lake Gatun, or in Coco Solo, (The BAY).. They NEVER learned how to swim, despite living ON the Water(s).. Surprising to say the least.. MOST Folks living in Caribbean Countries cannot swim a lick.. exception Lobster Divers & Fishing guides.. #Truth..
  16. In other words,, folks,, Learned how to swim, real fast ..
  17. Happy I could resurrect Memories.. your welcome.. Hey? what would ya'll do w/out Me? ya'll need a good laugh AmIright?
  18. I'm Triggered! Isn't there a Cis-Gendered thing here? I'm saying He used the Wrong pro-noun.. I'm so triggered & unhappy.. I need My Blinky.. How Much for Coastal NC again???? Har Har Har.. (It does feel like "Old Times").. I'll post up some video from the beach when this Tropical Storm gets here..
  19. I musta missed it, as I don't "tweet".. fact remains a satellite cannot take a CLEAR Image picture through clouds, As shown on the main thread.. THAT IS A FACT..
  20. About that Image going around? huh, NO a Satellite CANNOT, "SEE" and take a clear Image picture, as posted on the Storm Mode thread.. (Showing the flooded parts of the Island).. Sorry ya'll are DUPED again.. Most satellites can't. As the graph (below) shows, clouds reflect visible and infrared light quite well. In fact, visible light (approx. 0.4-0.7 microns in length) is more than 70% reflected by clouds! That means the light can't penetrate the cloud on the way down to earth, let alone penetrate the cloud on its way back up (satellites look down at angles ranging from 0-30 degrees) in order for the sensor to capture it. https://www.quora.com/Can-satellites-see-through-clouds
  21. So..... going out on a weak limb here.. How much for... SE---------NC?
  22. TY,, @Mappy & @H20.. I would respond to hazwoper, though My response, would be uncalled for & un-civilized,, in My comment..
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