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Everything posted by SENC

  1. Either a, great "Snow Storm, OR Pastebomb" for Us Coastal Folks.. Mostly, starting & ending in a very cold rain.. With snow in between.. Not much for ya'll inland folks (except on the "outskirts" that don't get warm-nosed.. ) Like inland Pender County etc, etc,, Works out Awesome East & South of I-95 & North & West, of Highway 17.... (Sometimes)
  2. 12Z Continues to show that Impressive "Cold Shot"..
  3. Positive Thoughts Let's try a Off-Sides Kick 00ZGFS & the 12Z (well somewhat), continues to show some "impressive"? Cold air in the 240hr range (Jan 6th-7th timeframe..).. A Couple ensembles show a Possible "Big Dog" for ya'll Mid-State, Most nothing at all, and a couple panels showing a "paste Bomb" for the Immediate Coast.. So Let's try a Off-Sides Kick.. Have the "Cold Air" in place, Develop a "LP" in the Southern Jet, The piece that WOW say gets left behind, (Yes the Models are "hinting" on that..) the same southerly Jet, Orangeburg says it's "In Da Keys".. Wish for a slight NE trend.. Alil "Suppression" and *Not a lot*.. At least We'll have "something" to work with.. We just might Be in Bidness.. Either Warm-nosed out here on the Coast, or a paste Bomb, or a REAL Cold rain.. (I don't care on the outcome),, Maybe ya'll will get something outta that, It's about the ONLY chance seen the past few weeks.. Something too watch for & keep a Eye on..
  4. We need a couple of Off-Sides Punts! That'll save us!
  5. Love me some, Herp Albert.. The "Torch" shall continue... The 18Z GFS throws a bone for a great cold shot in the 252 hour range, If that comes to pass & We can get a Coastal Low, We might be in business..
  6. 53/70 today.. Absolute AWESOME Sunny Day! Here on the coast! Looks to the same, If not warmer here on the coast tomorrow..
  7. Low of 39F,, Today high of 50F Nice sunny Christmas Day.. Went out for a hour got these for this evening..
  8. Busted on the high side this Morning. Forecast Low was supposed to be 29.. Clouds Moved into the SENC overnight.. Low of 39, this chilly Morning & Sea Fog..
  9. Made it down too 26 this morning.. Again Fooking Cold.. 3 dogs & a Cat in bed with Us... Currently 40, expect High to day, about 53..
  10. 35 on the Coast, It's fooking cold.. (No Heat)..
  11. Love ya';; folks, I'll enjoy My Low-Mid 40's & cold rain.. And.... Oysters.. I hope ya'll cash-in right before Christmas.. That said WOW! The Severe Weather deep south.. Tornado's in Dec? How common is that? ya'll Hollar at Me when We see this set-up.. heres the Story, We are "due" for something like this too possibly happen again.. It IS/WAS a interesting set-up.. https://www.weather.gov/ilm/christmassnow1989 Wishfull thinking.. (I know),, I recall quite a few "older" folks opine that from Raligh, you could "see" the Darkened Could to the South, towards the Coast as this was happening.. It has been noted that in most significant snowstorms for the eastern Carolinas the surface low tracks very near 32° north latitude, 75° west longitude, about 215 miles southeast of Cape Fear.
  12. Reporting from "Rich's" Inlet.. (Scotts Hill on the ICW) Partly Cloudy.. BUT with HEAVY Dense FOG, (Sea Fog).. Wind(s) North @ 2mph Pressure 30.02 Temp 57F DP 61% Humidity 100% Surf must be pretty Signicant, I can hear it "pounding" all the way up here on "Da Hill".. Side Bar SurfChex is reporting these "Wind Gust's".. Today's peak wind gust 169 mph @ 3:18PM
  13. Down here on the *sound*, re; Rich's Inlet.... Winds steady 17 MPH Gusting over 35Mph.. Temp 48.0 ,, .06 in the bucket today.. Wind(s) are "howling",, I can hear the Surf pounding up here from INSIDE Muh house.. yikes!
  14. Ocean Effect snow upcoming? I've seen this before here on the Coast..
  15. My *new* address.. Scotts Hill - KNCWILMI137
  16. 97 currently @ the beach, (topsail) I've moved folks..
  17. All due respect @donsutherland1,, I caught NSW (National Weather Service) .. Lying on "wind Speeds" & gusts here in Wilmington.. Does NOAA LIE? In My no uncertain terms,, yes..
  18. I'm ashamed that NOAA AND By extension, the NWS, were in fact LIEING too the General Public, about Wind *Gust(s)* here in Wilmington/Carolina Beach & Federal Point areas.. .. I'm Ashamed that NOAA tossed their .10 cents into the Ring of Global Warming Hoax, "Climate Change" debacle.. YES TRUMP was Right .. Am I defending the President? NO though HE was in fact,, RIGHT, Get over it..
  19. Now Moderate Rain Squalls/ TS force winds in these Bands coming through.. Sustained 35 mph …… gusts--> 40
  20. Same as @downeastnc, Squalls moving through,, Winds have picked up just short of TS sustained,, 30 mph.. NO rain though,,, (yet)..
  21. Those Wind readings are VERY suspect, as in FALSE! We haven't had ANY *GUSTS* over 35 mph.. (exception for the Tornadic spin-ups).. Weather stations on the beach front haven't recorded anything over 23 mph..
  22. Here @ the beach, breezy & light rain.. LOTSA Tornado warnings.. A very humid 79,, gust(s) from the North..
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