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Everything posted by SENC

  1. Getting "torrential" down pours time to time with these "bands" with some gusts in them also..
  2. Can I send/ e-mail/ or Fax What I've received (just today) to you @buckeyefan1 ? Grass Is getting on My nerves, I've got to cut-it almost every other Day, (If it's even dry).. Looks & feels like a Rice Paddy here.. OR, your SIG pic..
  3. Appears I going to have a Grand Stand Front Row seating As this comes ashore.. going to be interesting.. (I reside on the ICW, See Sig).. On the "dirty" side of things.. Onshore flow AND being a Full Moon Lunar Pedigee, High Tide(s) are at 8:30PM tomorrow night, Coastal Flooding is almost a givin here with what-ever winds/Rain & gust(s) are going to Occur.. My phone going crazy with Hurricane Warnings/Alerts etc..
  4. i'll have a front door approach..
  5. Whatever 'happens" I'll be fer sure to get video from "Ocean front views", & video,, possibly live streamed, for your Viewing pleasure.. I might even take Da John boat "beach front too Lea Island for "Maximum" exposer..
  6. Dern Frog Strangler here today.. (still coming down w/Heavy downpours).. Training T-storms,, Several inches in a few hours, still more to come.. The Last 2 weeks We've, ONLY had ONE DAY without measurable amounts of Rain.. Today driving down market Street Here in Porters Neck,, Driving @ 10 MPH, and couldn't even SEE the Road it was so heavy, pea sized Hail embedded.. 75/90's daytimes lows & highs..
  7. Today's hi 73º Today's lo 65º humidity 69% dew point 61.3º rainfall 0.00 in pressure 30.05 in Fair, Winds average S @ 15-mph
  8. Can I get a conformation? took a quick snip
  9. Two Tornados crossing Long bay headed up towards My Local..
  10. Storm(s) almost here.. I hear Thunder, Wind(s) picking up,, things are starting too rock...
  11. 'Howling" here on the Coast ATM.. (Seriously) Gale Warning..
  12. Lovin it excellent STT fishing, Mullet are starting to sho..
  13. 70's & 80s turning on the AC? .. WUT!
  14. I grabbed these for the upcoming event.. @DownEast Might be the Big Winner up His way.. We will, In SENC, (as always) have to get the great rates in order to overcome BL/warmnose Issues, get some sloppy white goodness.. (I have this tune in My head,, Slip, slip sliding away??
  15. Still up in the Air.. 12Z is running lets see what it brings..
  16. NWS calling for 32F & rain here on the immediate Coast for this event.. Looks great out in Fantasy Land though..
  17. OH Holy, C**T,, BombOGenises! Coastal Low! WOOT! (and those other Panel(s)).. 4" to 6" here? OMG..
  18. 20-21 Forecast bitterly Cold & Dry, with chances of Flizzards & Gizzards..
  19. Zippo/Nadda on Rainfall here on the Coast.. Currently Broken Clouds as the Warm Front Goes By.. Looks Like Beach Weather tomorrow, (Approaching the Mid-70's here on the Coast), Might go do Alil Trout Fishing, then gather some Oysters & Clams to round up the Day tomorrow.. Took these Guys picture Early this Morning.. Around Daylight.. I need a CrossBow.. Today's hi 67º Today's lo 54º humidity 88% dew point 52.7º rainfall 0.00 in pressure 30.11 in Winds Ne~ENE @13MPH average
  20. Plant some Rice.. I did a few years back, (Carolina Gold Heirloom rice),, Down here in ILM,, Was quite successful..
  21. I don't hear that Corn-Fed Gal,,,,, Singing yet...….
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