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Everything posted by SENC

  1. I sure did, I'll explain WHY & how, I'm in disagreement sure, though don't ridicule Me.. I'll just state the obvious..
  2. SENC


    Buy lots of BEER & Enjoy!
  3. Yes, It was Me, I'm guilty.. I STILL maintain Michael was at MOST a Cat 3.. Same with Dorian.. NOP 180+ mph Winds either.. I watched enough (LIVE) video TO KNOW I was looking at Cat2 or 3 Winds.. IN ADDITION to the very MANY Canes I've lived and experienced.. Marsh Harbor, Bahamas experienced STORM Surge causing MOST of the Damage.. The picture posted in the main thread, Looks, in MY experienced observations are from poorly construct SHACKS.. Noticed *well built* building(s) survived, with little to NO Damage, re: roofs are still intact.. Just My experienced opinion.. 180+MPH wind(s) you would have a SAND BAR left behind, Palm tress that are just Trunks, (No palm fronds attached).. If Dorian was "truly" a Cat 5.. Marsh Harbor would look like this..
  4. SENC


    Got Me a new "water proof" camera, Maybe one trip to the beach is in order..
  5. SENC


    ILM to OBX landfall.. Take it to the bank..
  6. SENC


    Alil humor this morning for OUR Enjoyment..
  7. Good Morning Folks.. these are great track(s) to wake up to this AM.. NOT I'm in the process of moving into a home... this week.. 34.309597, -77.737430 BOOM..
  8. SENC


    Oh Jesus, What great Track(s) to wake-up to this AM.. I'm in the process of Moving.. To a Home *almost* on the ICW Waterfront this week.. whoopie! I'll be living here.. 34.309653, -77.737413 Please someone UN-PLUG the ILM hurricane magnet! stat! At least I'll be able to get a good price on the Generator I'm selling.. I have Two..
  9. SENC


    Horry Chit!, can you Imagine yet another 22" precip dump in around SENC? after last years deluge? We haven't even "recovered" yet.. From Flo... In some cases Matthew either.. I can see massive flooding occurring again..
  10. SENC


    Watching closely & paying attention.. SENC doesn't need another Floyd/Florence scenario again.. Then again, Maybe it'll wake Folks up about "Over-Building" in/around ILM..
  11. All due respect.. But the fires are old-growth forest burning, being clear-cut for crops? No. Most of it is land that has already been cleared for agricultural use and is being burned to clear it of weeds and pests prior to being planted for the upcoming season. It's normal in that part of world, in other words. Are forests indeed being cleared in the Amazon? Yes, but at materially lower rates than 20 years ago. Like around half or less. Further, no less an authority than Nature has reported that between the early 1980s and 2016 global tree canopy has increased, not decreased. Gee, why would a bunch of people lie about something like this? It wouldn't be both political animus and money, would it? CREDITS TickerForum..
  12. SENC


    We are "watching" here in SENC... While very Bad news for P.R.,, If It crosses the Island at whatever Cat #,, It would be quite devastating too SENC & P.R. .. .. (Or any part of the Carolinas/Caribbean ).. Looks to be on Track, for a Anniversary of sorts for the Carolinas.. At least one good thing, It's doesn't have a "F" name..
  13. Waiting & wanting that "cool air" to filter down into SENC... Wishful thinking though...
  14. I know, I've not commented in awhile.. LOTSA training Rain T-Storms in Our area.. (I'm in the middle of Moving) long Story.. Rain gauge filled, emptied, filled again ..
  15. Clouds & Stars,, Temp 72 as Our front washes out just off our Coast.. Light North winds, Welcome respite..
  16. #MeToo, Light sprinkles, currently, ,, #BUST on rain
  17. Just dropped 15 degrees in a few minutes.. Yes! just opened the Winders to a light rain/smell.. OH MY yes!!!!!!!!!!!!
  18. Skies have "blackened" to My WEST.. Lordy,, been watching the radar since...… The front is on My backdoor, knowing US, in the Coastal plain It'll wash, just Offshore.. Hallelujah, I "might" be able to open the Winders with-in the next 2 hours, those High 60's I'm seeing & hearing are looking very nice.. Forget any grass,, My weeds are starving for water.. I've really NOT seen heat this bad since the July of 1999..
  19. Afternoon Folks.. Oppressive HEAT still here in SENC. 91 with heat index of 100. SSW Winds steady @22 mph gusting to 25+ That's quite a Train of T-Storms Marching southwards.. We are under a severe T-Storm Watch ATM.
  20. Do I go on a Beer & Bread/Gas run this morning? <chuckle>
  21. Interesting picture outta Nags Head.. Today..
  22. Just read THIS thread.. All is Well.. https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1109923374568890368.html
  23. I'm presenting a "tread" so to speak... To present to YOU the 'advocates" that were born/Conceived after 1985,, Early 1990's.. Please read this entire thread.. Interesting news & Scientific Discussion IS,,, in the following thread with graphs/Charts etc I'll leave YOU the Dear Gentle reader with your own conclusions.. I presume, Intelligent discussion follows.. Not based on "Emotions" https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1109923374568890368.html D2lYxfgUwAUsUZr.mp4
  24. Being report some areas got up 2 feet of snow! Steamboat Springs et al Question for you Folks in the Mountain West areas.. How often does snow occur this late in the year? Much less than 2 feet! My SIL recently moved out there with Her Husband, (Denver),, they have resided here in the SENC, NOT used to weather like that, certainly not in the Summer,.. I'm certain She is lovin this..
  25. MeanWhile in Colorado, they received 2 FEET of snow in places! In June! https://www.cbsnews.com/video/colorado-gets-almost-2-feet-of-snow-on-the-first-day-of-summer/?ftag=COS-05-10aaa0g&amp;utm_campaign=trueAnthem:+New+Content+(Feed)&amp;utm_content=5d0eb9ff4079a700018e18b9&amp;utm_medium=trueAnthem&amp;utm_source=twitter
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