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Everything posted by Mowfishin

  1. Will this NW Trend lead to more mixing along the immediate coast? I’m in Mcclellanville sc and trying to manage my expectations
  2. Right now being in Mcclellanville sc i feel like I may be in a sweet spot for snow. Never thought I would say that
  3. Can someone explain the surge situation. I understand the wind driven portion fully but I don’t fully grasp the wall of water that is often referred to by people who witness it first hand. Does the low pressure actually lift an area of water up in the eye above mean sea level? I feel stupid asking this I just don’t grasp fully when people say the surge is there of a cat 5 when the winds have fallen for more than 12 hours to a cat three (hypothetical statement)
  4. Posted on main thread but will probably be deleted. Google project pheonix 2.0. First 5 minutes are most interesting. Models out cat 5 into Tampa bay.
  5. Listen to the scanner. Real time radio reporting catastrophic failure. Rescue vehicles being overtaken by water. Maybe it was major overtopping but they clearly said catastrophic failure
  6. Cocke county if you have access to online scanner in real time
  7. Multiple dam failures in TN. MAJOR FAILURE AT WATERVILLE LAKE. Listening on radio scanner
  8. I posted in the wrong forum earlier. I live in Mcclellanville and we were under that trailing band most of the day. I ended up at 15.9” since 10:00 last night when it started. This was measured on an accurite digital rain gauge and other people in the area reporting around the same. Absolutely unreal. Very thankful high tide was at 11:45. Freshwater flooding has washed out a lot of the backroads. Almost zero wind from 9am on until now. Starting to get blustery so hoping no trees fall
  9. We are in that heavy band just north of Charleston. Currently sitting with 7.83 inches since last night. Also now at 7.85. Uploaded photos and now 7.96. Damn
  10. Currently breezy with some gusts in the 40s. Big oak just took out power. 3” of rain
  11. I was not. House was. Had water up 6' or so on the walls best I can tell from renovations I have been doing. With the recorded surge then, I'm not sure how it didn't cover the house.
  12. I'm on ground level in Mcclellanville. I will try to post photos/updates. Plan on staying in neighbors house tomorrow. Looks like surge will move in around mid morning.
  13. Based on current movement what are the chances this gets pushed out and never really come ashore?
  14. I'm in McClellanville with a house on ground level on the creek. Certainly a little concerned at this point
  15. https://tidesandcurrents.noaa.gov/stationhome.html?id=8725520
  16. I'm happy to announce I have seen sulphur butterflies appear around Charleston SC. They have always shown a significant pattern change is headed our way for cooler weather normally within a couple weeks of their arrival in strong numbers.
  17. We will have global radar but the Hurricane Hunters will be flying the same planes with the same broken equipment.
  18. We've been here before. That's just radar attenuation right!?!?
  19. I am always trying to learn so please bear with me. In the right of that image it appears the cloud tops are being blown westward. Wouldn't a healthy vented system show outflow in this area as well? Is this what shear looks like?
  20. Ghost of Leroy hopes so and Turtle is sure of it.
  21. There is a chance you can see it come in on this cam...we will see HERE
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