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  1. NE SC has been stuck in a dry slot most of the night and now that it has filled in, it’s very light. They had upped our forecast to like 3-5” but I’m not seeing it on the radar at this point. Am I wrong?
  2. Anybody have any clue if we should expect for the snow to pick back up here?
  3. NE SC getting dry slotted for quite a while now, honestly not sure if it ever fills back in
  4. Seems like I-95 in NE SC may not be melting all the snow this time…
  5. So in NE SC, our forecast is talking about this storm and the potential for “light snow” on Tuesday into Wednesday, but is also been mentioning freezing rain (now has changed to snow/sleet/freezing rain) on Thursday night and chance for snow Friday as well. im guessing there’s another potential system as well?
  6. Haha so true, especially when you’re literally like 5 minutes from 95.
  7. As someone who lives in NE SC, it’s great to see that I-95 is being forecasted to retain its magical snow-melting abilities smh
  8. Is there at least agreement on the timing of this event? And if so, what is that timeline roughly? I’ve been following the maps being posted but not sure I understand everything. I’m in NE SC (not optimistic on the chances of winter weather here) but am supposed to be in Charlotte Saturday night through Sunday, so trying to figure out the likelihood of that being a possibility…
  9. I think we’ve changed from freezing rain to all sleet in Florence SC.
  10. Ah. Seems like the local forecast in NE SC kept showing a changeover to freezing weather between 5-8AM. Oh well, I’m good either way as long as we don’t ge too much freezing rain.
  11. I may have read the forecasts wrong but I did not expect there to be basically no precipitation across SC and NC at this point…
  12. At this point I’m fine with no wintry weather at all compared to all the ice that is being forecasted for NE SC.
  13. Local forecasters starting to chime in here in NE SC, I think I’m starting to resign myself to a weekend of ice
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